CGCC hosts local author reading and Q&A

CGCC is set to hold a reading and Q&A with Tina Ontiveros author of rough house on Sept. 23.

CGCC is set to hold a reading and Q&A with Tina Ontiveros author of rough house on Sept. 23.

From Columbia Gorge Community College:

By Dan Spatz with edits by Tom Peterson

CGCC Instructor and Author Tina Ontiveros

CGCC Instructor and Author Tina Ontiveros

Columbia Gorge Community College Library and Learning Commons are hosting a Community Read of bestselling author and CGCC instructor Tina Ontiveros' memoir rough house Thursday, Sept. 23 at 6 p.m.

The reading and Q&A session with Tina will occur on The Dalles Campus as weather and COVID-19 restrictions permit. A ZOOM streaming option will be provided. The book is available for purchase at Klindt's, Waucoma, and CGCC bookstores, and free copies are available in the CGCC library courtesy of Gorge Literacy.

For more information, contact the library at (541) 506-6081 or visit the Columbia Gorge Community College Facebook and Instagram pages.

Karen W. Carlin interviewed Ontiveros about her memoir for CCCNews last winter. She wrote the following:

“Tina Ontiveros, long-time resident of the Gorge, daughter, wife, mother, sister, author, writing teacher and advocate for the disenfranchised living in poverty—she wears many hats,” Carlin wrote. “However, the one adjective she does not ascribe to herself is ‘victim.’ And from the outside looking into her life, most people reading her first memoir would tell her unequivocally that she has every right to feel like one.

To read Carlin’s entire interview with Ontiveros click here.