Urban Renewal to Discuss Accomplishments, Goals, and New Incentive Program for Commercial, Mixed-Use and Housing Developments

By Cole Goodwin

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The Columbia Gateway Urban Renewal Agency Board will meet on March 15th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. 

Meeting highlights will include a presentation of the agency’s 2021-2022 accomplishments, proposed goals and priority projects for 2022-2023, and the draft of a new incentive program that would award grants to commercial, mixed-use, and new residential developments

Attend the Meeting: Click here to join the zoom meeting on March 15th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. 
Watch the Meeting: Watch Livestream here.
Read More: Agenda & Board Packet.
Submit Public Comments: Your City, Your Voice.

The Agenda Break Down

2021-2022 Urban Renewal Highlights and Accomplishments

The Urban Renewal board will be asked to accept the following highlights and accomplishments as written or to amend the draft. Board members may also choose not to adopt the highlights at the meeting. 

  1. Monitored progress and supported Recreation Building developers to rebuild two new storefronts on Agency-owned property located at 215 and 219 E. Second URAB Agenda Packet March 15, 2022 | Page 2 of 13 Street. Redevelopment is now complete. The Agency is slated to sell the property to developers by mid-April 2022.

  2. Completed 95% engineering design and started required environmental evaluation for the First Street/Riverfront Connection project. This project will rebuild First Street between Union and Laughlin Streets, including the installation of new utility lines, new pavement, sidewalks, and street furniture.  

  3. On the Agency-owned Tony’s Building property located at 401-407 E. Second Street, obtained Federal Environmental Protection Agency grant funding to complete a Phase I Environmental Assessment and underground storage tank removal. These environmental efforts prepared the building site for demolition in FY 2022-2023. Demolition will make way for a shovel-ready redevelopment site at a prime corner in downtown.  

  4. Budgeted and reserved up to $300,000 of matching funds toward a North Wasco Parks and Recreation-sponsored State grant application for design and construction of the Mill Creek Greenway trail.  

  5. Updated the Comprehensive Finance Plan for the Agency.  

  6. Started a URA Strategic Planning effort to guide remaining Agency activities through 2029. 

2022-2023 Urban Renewal Goals and Priority Projects 

The Urban Renewal board will be asked to accept the following goals and projects as written or to amend the draft. Board members may also choose not to adopt the goals and projects at the meeting.

Goals and Projects include:

  1. Complete strategic planning, in response to the publication of the February 2022 Comprehensive Finance Plan for the Agency. This strategic plan will guide future investments, projects and activities of the Agency through its projected closure in 2029.  

  2. Sell the third and final Agency-owned storefront property to the Recreation Center developers, following completion of the proposed indoor/outdoor restaurant storefront concept, located at 213 E. Second Street.  

  3. The First Street/Riverfront Connection Project will rebuild First Street from Union to Laughlin Streets, adding upgraded sidewalks, ADA ramps, new water/sewer/storm water lines, asphalt and street furniture. Complete design, right-of-way/easement acquisition, and advertise an opportunity for contractors to bid on the project in 2022-2023.

  4. Initiate demolition of the Agency-owned building at the northeast corner of Second/Federal Streets to make way for a development-ready site in downtown. This building is locally known as the “Tony’s Building.” Site redevelopment will create space for new housing units and either retail, restaurant or office on the ground floor along the prime corner of Second and Federal streets. In FY 2022- 2023, the URA is likely to be awarded an Oregon Brownfields Cleanup Fund in excess of $250,000 to remove asbestos from the building prior to demolition. Following demolition, staff will begin a public/private process to offer the vacant site for redevelopment.  

  5. Market newly adopted Urban Renewal Incentive and Vertical Housing programs to developers who need financial support with redeveloping blighted and underused properties in the UR District.  

  6. Collect payments and track progress on outstanding URA loans for the Honald Building, Gayer Building and Commodore II Building. 

Proposed Urban Renewal Incentive Program

The Urban Renewal board will be asked to adopt an Incentive Program proposal as written or to amend the draft. Board members may also choose not to adopt the proposal at the meeting.

Proposed Incentive Plan Goals
The Columbia Gateway Urban Renewal Agency of The Dalles has funding available for building and property owners who seek to improve and develop properties that meet community goals. The Agency is specifically seeking to incent redevelopment of unused and underused land and buildings, to meet the goals of the urban renewal plan, including investments that: 

  • Increase value of properties. 

  • Place unused and underused properties in productive condition. 

  • Assist with opportunities for business, civic, residential, cultural, and tourist-related property to be developed, redeveloped, improved, rehabilitated and conserved. 

  • Support development or redevelopment projects to construct, install or replace publicly owned utility systems such as water, storm drains, and sanitary sewers where existing facilities are inadequate, undersized or otherwise substandard.

The new incentive program would offer the following new incentive grants:

Commercial Project Grants - up to $50,000 
Matching grants to fund smaller building upgrades, tenant improvements, and similar types of rehabilitation projects that build community vitality and prosperity. 

  • 50% matching grant, up to $50,000, to reimburse for construction of real physical improvements that meet Agency priorities, Plan goals, and program eligibility specifications outlined here. 

Mixed-Use Project Grants - up to $150,000 
Matching grants to fund transformational mixed-use redevelopment and reinvestment in underused or vacant properties.  

  • 70% matching grant, up to $150,000, for larger and more transformational mixed-use projects that construct real physical improvements that meet Plan goals, Agency priorities and program eligibility specifications outlined here. 

New Residential Project Grants - $10,000 per new housing unit
SDC credits to assist with costs of building new housing in the area.

  • Urban Renewal Agency will pay Systems Development Charges for projects adding new housing units (net increase) of up to $10,000 per new unit, Approved SDC credits will be applied at time of building permit and will have the same terms and expiration date.

Who Can Apply

Owners of property within the Columbia Gateway / Downtown Urban Renewal Area that are current on their property taxes. If primary Applicant is not the current owner, application must also be signed by the property owner, providing approval for the Applicant to proceed. 

Projects pursuing property tax abatements are ineligible, except those developments receiving abatement from the The Dalles Vertical Housing Zone are also eligible for any of the Incentive Program Grants outlined herein.

For more information on proposed eligibility requirements click here

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Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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