Wasco County to purchase 154 acres on the west side of The Dalles
A panorama showing the entrance to the property. Photo Credit: Cole Goodwin
By Cole Goodwin
Wasco County is set to finalize the purchase of a 154.73 acre property valued in the range of $1.3 to $1.5 million on the west end of town near Chenoweth Creek and Foley Lakes this week of August 17th, 2022. The majority of the property falls within the National Scenic Area boundary and outside the urban growth boundary meaning that any future development of the property would require Gorge Commission approval.
The decision to purchase the property was made during the August 8, 2022, executive session.
“We saw this as an opportunity to expand,” said Kathy Schwartz, Wasco County Commission Chair.
“A parcel that large and adjacent to the city being for sale is unusual,” said Scott Hege, Wasco County Commissioner. “You know, you hear people call this a once-in-a-lifetime kind of deal. But I think we were all still a bit hesitant at first; it’s a significant amount of resources to spend.”
The property discussed in this article is highlighted in green in the map above. To view the Wasco County Interactive GIS Map click here.
The decision to purchase the property came as a result of several factors including long term and short term potential.
“Our long term thought process for property is having the ability to expand the urban growth boundary,” said Schwartz.
The majority of the property sits just outside the current Urban Growth Boundary. To view the National Scenic Area’s Interactive GIS map click here.
Commissioners listed several long-term potentials for the property including potential for public walking trails, recreation and green space on the west side of The Dalles, or future development by the City of The Dalles, The County or contractors in the private sector.
“I think the long-term possibilities for that property is one of the more important elements in my mind,” said Hege.
“And thinking in the short term, this site could also give us another option for a new sports complex in the event that the hospital moves forward with their proposal to build a new facility and relocate their services to Kramer Field,” said Schwartz.
Mid-Columbia Medical Center recently announced a letter of intent to partner with Adventist Health of Portland. The announcement noted that Adventist would be bringing $100 million to the table for capital improvements. The deal could be put together by the end of the year.
The property sits along Old Scenic Highway 30. Locals may recognize the (currently unlit) Christmas Star which sits on hill in the top right of the photo. Photo Credit: Cole Goodwin
As a result The County has been looking for locations that could be used to develop a new sports complex to replace Kramer Field. The County had recently looked into relocating the complex to a property located near Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities and the Port of The Dalles.
“My biggest concern with that relocation option has been safety and accessibility for youth,” said Schwartz, “They would have to cross the railroad tracks to get there. That’s a red flag for me at this point in time.”
Commissioners agreed that the property at the Port was better suited to business and industry development.
“We had been looking at relocating the sports complex to the port area, but I think that that property is probably better suited to businesses,” said Hege. “And this property we’re purchasing now seems to make a lot more sense for use as a recreation area. And it also has the potential to provide the community with a lot more value in the long run.”
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