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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Wasco County Commissioners to meet Wed., July 1

The Wasco County Board of Commissioners will hold a regular session at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 1, 2020. The Board Packet is available on their website.

In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the Board will be meeting electronically. You can join the meeting at:


or call in to 1-502-382-4610 PIN: 321 403 268#

9:00 a.m.


Items without a designated appointment may be rearranged to make the best use of time. Other matters may be discussed as deemed appropriate by the Board.

Corrections or Additions to the Agenda Discussion Items (Items of general Commission discussion, not otherwise listed on the Agenda):

NCPHD COVID-19 Updates;

Staff Retirement;

Disaster Declaration (drought) WA/OR;

Finance Report Consent Agenda: Minutes: 6.10.2020 Special Session; 6.17.2020 Regular Session; Reappointment (Items of a routine nature: minutes, documents, items previously discussed.)

9:30 a.m.

Emergency Declaration Extension – Tyler Stone

9:40 a.m.

Governor’s Guidelines for Face Coverings - Public Health/Unified Command

9:45 a.m.

Youth Services Supervisor – Nichole Biechler/Molly Rogers

10:00 a.m.

Enterprise Zone Agreement – Matthew Klebes COMMISSION CALL NEW/OLD BUSINESS

Boat Rescue Update

Making the Mask

Making the Mask

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