White Salmon Valley School District Receives $87,325 Grant From Education Foundation

From White Salmon Valley Education Foundation

By Kylie Uffelman

White Salmon, Wash. September 11, 2023 - During the spring of last year, the White Salmon Valley School District faced an unprecedented period of challenges characterized by severe budget shortfalls and staffing reductions, impacting students, staff, and community members alike. In response, the White Salmon Valley Education Foundation (WSVEF) quickly stepped forward with an $87,325 grant for the district, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to supporting White Salmon schools.

“The WSVEF has been a dedicated and reliable partner to the White Salmon schools and will continue this legacy of support in times of both challenge and triumph,” said Executive Director Kylie Uffelman. “I am excited to be working in partnership with our new superintendent, Rich Polkinghorn, who will be allocating these funds to areas that require immediate attention and support. I believe that our schools are in very capable hands with his new leadership.”

The WSVEF’s broad base of community support makes such grants possible. Since 2006, over $825,000 in community-raised donations have been awarded to the schools directly from WSVEF. Community donations have also been leveraged through WSVEF grant writing services to secure over $6.4 million in grants from outside funding sources. Uffelman credits the success of the foundation’s efforts to supporters and donors who understand the vital importance of having thriving public schools in our community.

Join the community in support and celebration of this important work by attending the upcoming Gorge Grape Escape Fundraiser on October 14th. This year’s derby-inspired theme is “Off to the Races to Support our Schools.” Tickets available at https://onecau.se/wsvef.

The WSVEF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of public education in our community by securing funding for curriculum enhancement and investment in our teachers. Check out www.wsvef.org to get involved, donate, or learn more.