December 2022 Horoscopes: Preparing the heart, body, and mind to embrace new beginnings

Hello dear ones,

This month marks lots of big and little shifts.

We’re moving through firey Sagittarius energy and into to earthy Capricorn this month.If Sagittarius is the hearthfire around which humanity is huddled, then Capricorn is the leader of the tribe, who looks out across the flames into the future, asking how we can grow enough corn to feed the next seven generations. Which is fitting- considering the new year is only a month away.

Now is the time to prepare the heart, body, and mind to begin a new cycle around the sun.

As a result, this month old wounds are being released, dreams are being realized, oaths are being sworn, and gossip and rumors are everywhere. We must all work to ground ourselves in gratitude and in honoring our long-term relationships (including our relationship to self) in the face of such uncertainty, excitement, and fear. 

Neptune goes direct in Pisces December 3rd. 

The God of dreams has ended their six month retrograde. during which it worked to subtly influence globally shifting spiritual ideologies, deepening our intuition, heightening our subconscious knowledge, giving us vivid dreams, dissolving energies, and plunging us in our internal world of our thoughts and feelings. 

As Neptune goes direct, emotional barriers collapse in on themselves and dissolve one after the other until your dreams begin to manifest as your reality. It is a time of breakthroughs. Keep a journal to track your emotions. During this time we have been laying the spiritual and subconscious groundwork to manifest our individual destiny and our collective future. 

Full moon in Gemini on the 7th. 

It’s hard to put spilled tea back into a teapot. Gossip and rumors abound. Get your news from trusted sources.

Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 6th.

The messenger planet moves into analytical, far-sighted, and thoughtfully spoken Capricorn. This is a good time to make a pros and cons list, strategize your communications, and have conversations that require talking about facts, finances, work, and the holidays. 

Venus in Capricorn on the 9th

The Goddess of love in Capricorn means the situation surrounding your long-term partnerships, relationships, and friendships are taking the first slot in your social priorities list. This is a time to honor and show gratitude to those who have been there for you longest. 

Jupiter goes direct in Aries 20th. 

The planet of luck and abundance enters youthful Aries, giving you a single-minded confidence and courage to take risks, try new things, and practice your learning process.

Sun enters Capricorn on the winter solstice.

VROOOM! VROOOM! Do you feel that? That’s the Capricornian drive to achieve. It’s the desire to escape the burning red hot poker of mediocrity. And it’s here, right in time to set your goals for the coming year. Write them down. Tape them to your mirror. Whatever it takes for you to focus in. You’ve got the dream, you’ve got the means, and you’ve the motivation. Now all you need to do now is take the first step. 

New moon in Capricorn, Chiron direct in Aries on the 23rd.

Time for a fresh start. The hardworking goat and the wounded healer work together in the darkness to cut ties, loosen emotional knots, heal old wounds, and release pain and resentment in the body. Let go. Your illness and your pain need not define you. You are more than this.


Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. 

The last mercury retrograde of 2022 is a real stinker. 

We’ve got all this Capricornian drive to achieve and we’re cruising down the highway going 100 mph and now here it is: a brick wall and we’re headed straight for it. Now you have to make a choice. You can drive headlong into that wall, thinking nothing can stop me, and potentially risk it all in your attempt to force the world to bend to your will…or you can pump the brakes and take the scenic route to your destination. 

My advice: chill out, sh*t happens, flights get canceled, emails get missed and missent, it’s just life. Relax and hang ten my friend, why fight the wave when you can have the time of your life learning to ride it.

Mars is retrograde in Gemini
until after the new year. 

On the collective level this means conspiracy theories, misinformation, and polarizing views from the past are recirculating. On the personal level, goals, ambitions, and conversations left undone are resurfacing. Are you motivated you to finish what you started? Is this your hill to die on? Or are you ready to recalibrate your trajectory?

The difficult part

  • Questioning the duality of your identity. 

  • Arguments, poor communication, misinformation, and passive aggression.

The gift 

Ample time to reflect on what ignites your passion, your anger, and your motivation.

Crystal of the Month: Garnet

Crystal of the month is brought to you by Starseed Curiosities & Gifts an ethically sourced crystal and gift shop for the spiritual, witchy, and curious in downtown The Dalles, OR.

Crystal of the Month: Garnet

Garnet is a silicate mineral the color of a pomegranate seed, because of this and it’s associated with the goddess Persephone, who rules over the interconnected realms of death, destruction, and spring, new life, and nature.  

Because of this Garnet is the perfect supportive crystal for this month as it balances the fiery energy of visionary Sagittarius and the initiating earthiness of ambitious Capricorn. It is a stone that supports us in our practices of forgiveness, love, and creativity.

Garnet uses: 

  • Brings prosperity

  • Connects and grounds the root chakra

  • Offers strength and courage

  • Heals broken bonds in love

  • Aids in business

  • Attracts likeminded individuals

  • Promotes positive thinking

  • Promotes happiness

  • Protective talisman of travelers

Support Our Horoscope Section

These monthly horoscopes take twelve working hours to research, write, and format for your enjoyment. If you enjoyed this content please consider supporting CCCNews’ astrology section by making a donation today.

Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Astrology is a tool we can use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond to what’s happening both internally and externally in the world. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions.

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2022

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Dearest Aries, 

Your social circle has expanded. Your most stable relationships and themes involving your self-care practices take center stage this month. Boundaries are springing up like garden fences around your carefully curated life. Your dreams are ready to bloom. Mercury Rx hits at the end of the month. Your sense of self is your rock to cling to in uncertainty and chaos. 

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Three of Pentacles

December is a time for you to focus on work! Do you love your work? Are you enjoying the work that you do? Does it speak to who you are as an individual? If not 2023 maybe the year where it is time to make a change

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Aries 2022 Overview

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Dearest Taurus, 

Love, love, love…I swear I’ve never met anyone so easy to love, so why are you questioning your self worth? Well, maybe it’s because your patron Goddess, romantic Venus, is squaring off with the God of Dreams, Neptune on Dec 3rd, causing your nightmares to be revealed to you. Quiet the anxiety and paranoia by taking an unbiased perspective. You are loved dear Taurus, more than you know. 

This new cycle in your love life calls upon you to be devoted to loving yourself. Embrace your beauty, embrace living a life at your own pace. Stay true to yourself and your needs. You’re being asked to invest in your long term relationships this month. Dissolve disputes if you can but don’t make it your responsibility to fix everything. You are strong, but just because you can carry others burdens doesn’t mean you should. You have a helper's heart. But now is the time to focus on your journey. Release anything or anyone that weighs you down.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles

December for you is a time to explore your financial landscape. Where are you headed in 2023? Are you pleased with the goals you have set for yourself in this department? Are you excited and planning for some thing adventurous and spectacular? If the answer to these questions is no then take time in December to explore new avenues and exciting ways in which to use your Money!

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Taurus 2022 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Dearest Gemini,
I see you out there. Your struggle is real and your feelings are valid.  The castle walls are being stormed and you’re holding on by the fingertips. Who do you want on your team to turn the tide? Dissolve disputes through mediation. Let go of old wounds. Don’t let pride in your ability to withstand pain stand in the way of healing. Also don’t believe everything you hear this month: The tea is hot until it’s not. 

Repeat after me: Money is coming. Money is on it’s way to me. It’s an affirmation to work on manifesting this month.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Great Mystery

In my deck, this is the blank card. The card where anything and everything is possible! This says to me that December for you is a magic time where you have the opportunity to manifest more strongly than normal. Put some attention into what you desire, and allow yourself to be surprised by what arises!

This moonth represents a brand new cycle emotionally. If you are not in an intimate partnership, this might be the time that you attract in someone new! Allow things to unfold naturally without pressure and follow your heart.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Gemini 2022 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Dearest Cancer, 

The shell life can be a swell life or it can be an anxious nightmare. Sure you’ve got a hard exterior to help you weather the darts and arrows of life but what are you doing to protect your thought garden from intrusive, destructive, and self-harming thoughts? This month is fraught with anxieties for you sweet Cancer. If you find yourself washing out to sea your most trusted and loving relationships are here to pull you back to shore and weather the storm with you. You have an abundance of love in your life and your love life is popping. Be sure to ground down into the earth and into your relationships every chance you get this month. 

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Four of Swords

December for you is a time to rest and relax. This is not the time for you to make big decisions or have an extreme output of energy. Take December now to rejuvenate and find your center so that you can begin 2023 with a big burst of revitalized energy.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Cancer 2022 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Dearest Leo,
You’re not a bear, so unfortunately you can’t actually hibernate through your overwhelming schedule…let’s face it you’ve got more responsibilities and engagements than most people can handle. But you can save your energy and stay grounded by picking a routine and sticking to it. It will be good practice for the future too because on the 23rd you’ll be starting a whole new chapter in your work life, in which you’re going to have a lot more freedom of control.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Ace of Cups

December for you exemplifies a time where you are beginning a new emotional cycle. Let yourself feel your feelings and express them in real time. In particular the feelings that are softer and more vulnerable. December is not the time to explore your anger! What deeper feelings are living underneath that anger?.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Leo 2022 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Dearest Virgo,
Your friends know you as the “great analyzer” of the group. And this month you’re counseling nearly everyone around you as they navigate the holidays, health, the new year, family, love, and life in general. It seems like everyone in your life has something going on and you’re the lifeline everyone is reaching for. Serving others is a part of who you are but at times it’s going to feel like a lot. Especially because the Capricornian energy of this month has you wanting to accomplish some of your own goals. Your time and money budget is tight this month so practice boundaries to get sh*t done and make space for yourself to focus on the things you want to do. The time you spend doing this will set you up well for later in the month you’ll be witnessing a new cycle in your romantic and creative life. 

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Five of Swords

December represents a time where you might be feeling conflicted on where to place your energy and who you can trust. Take your time and go slow with any new relationships at this time. Your sense of defensiveness might be linked with your intuition.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.Virgo 2022 Overview 

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Dearest Libra,
Home is where your heart is. Your wide social circle is shrinking down to your longest and most trusted relationships this month. I know you love to flit about a party with the best of them but try not to sweat the holiday FOMO too much, there will be other times to attend ragers and raves with friends. In the meantime it’s time to turn your focus towards building your life, traveling, education, and expanding your spirit. All while still holding it together at work and at home. The end of the month marks new beginnings to your relationship with family. You can’t make everyone happy, but you can choose to be happy yourself. Dissolve disputes, let go of old wounds, and practice forgiveness for your own sake. Love is in all things.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Ten of Wands

December represents a time where you are finally making closure with an old belief system, and the effect it had on your life! This is a power moonth for you! Allow yourself to change and don’t resist the process. 2023 could be your best year yet!

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Libra 2022 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Dearest Scorpio,

The start of the month feels heavy. There’s no getting around it. Whatever it is, your carrying (debt, emotions, trauma) it’s starting to make your knees buckle. There’s no way around it, you can’t hold on to this much longer. It’s time to either ask for help carrying it around or set it down and walk away. Luckily your longest and most trusted relationships have your back. Time for therapy, difficult convos, and a good old dose of staring death straight in the face and choosing to live anyway. A shift is coming. Life and love is out there waiting for you. The new year is coming, set yourself free of the past and allow your desires and boundaries to shift into a routine that fits you and your life right now. 

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Ace of Wands

December is a time of brand new beginnings and a different way of looking at the world. Let your mind stay soft and try not to judge the new opportunities that arrive at this time. They may feel a bit new and different but that is good. Step into this new cycle with curiosity and you will be rewarded!

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Scorpio 2022 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Dear Sagittarius,


Your love life is a pressure cooker this month. And everyone wants to know what’s for dinner? No matter how hard you try you won’t be able to please everyone. Save your energy. Your relationships don’t have to please anyone else, they just have to please you. Don’t let others' expectations get in the way of your happiness. Have wild sex. Or have no sex at all. Enjoy polyamory or your singlehood. Celebrate what brings you peace. Wherever you are at is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Ground into the abundance in your life. Practice the emotion of pleasure. Practice generosity. The end of the month brings a fresh mindset in regards to wealth.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: The World

December is your moonth! A time to truly step into your own way of being and releasing any attachment you might have to the way other people think about you. Allow yourself to shine and find exactly what makes you delighted.hy! Just know things may feel turbulent and you can breathe your way through to the other side.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Sagittarius 2022 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Dearest Capricorn,


Romantic love is either solid as a rock or on the rocks this month and it’s related to how well you are sharing responsibility with others. You are the making-it-happen Queen and you know it. But even a Queen needs support. When disaster and overwhelm hits, (and it will) ask your loyal friends for backup. Let the Cook cook and the Court Jester line up some comedic entertainment. Remember that delegating is a great way to guide your subjects towards a goal, and yeah it can take a little time, and some diplomacy to do it well, but hopefully it won’t take as much time as having to do everything by yourself. Plus it gives you more time to focus on your outfit, exercise, health, and ground in self-care. You have an abundant life. Be generous with others. By the time the end of the month rolls around you’ll be starting a new cycle in your sectors of self image and self expression.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: King of Swords

December represents a time with deep desire for structure and clarity. This is what makes you feel the most safe and successful. What small chores and tasks are left undone and causing stress to you subconsciously? What little irritating to do’s are weighing on your mind? Take the time in December to complete them so you can feel more free!u are being invited into a deeper level of imagination and feeling what you would like the future to hold.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Capricorn 2022 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Dearest Aquarius,
You have a generous nature. You want to give those you love the whole world on a silver platter. You love seeing the faces of your loved ones when you find just the right thing to give and you’ve had a good year in your career and you may have the means to give big. Just don’t do anything that stretches you so far  financially that you end up stressed and resentful. External expectations about your romantic life may stir up trouble with friends. Hear them out but don’t stress it too much if it’s not resonating. Your most trusted relationships just want you to be happy. Nourish yourself and show gratitude to yourself with good sleep, food, and rest this month. Relaxation is the ultimate self-care following a busy month.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: The Star

December is a month of blessings for you! Make sure to set aside a decent amount of time to vision and plan for yourself not only for 2023 but beyond. Have you ever sat down to make a five-year and 10 year plan for yourself? This card suggests that this is the time to do so, and you will be profoundly supported.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.Aquarius 2022 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dearest Pisces,
Your friends and family love you. They love you so much that they want to fight about it. Meanwhile all you want to do is lay low in your comfy house. You’ll be better off sharing your plans to stay home for the holidays now than delivering it the week of. While the drama of it might seem like a pointless distraction from the goals you’re trying to achieve, don’t sweep it under the rug. Better to take note that there’s something there that needs to be dealt with. Do you really want to carry that with you into the new year? Or are you better off dissolving disagreements and letting go of old wounds? Ground yourself in your friendships, music, and giving back to your community. The end of the month brings a whole new cycle for your social life and public image.

Your Tarotscope from Wyld Lee Fempyre

Your Tarot Card: Justice

December represents a time in which you are craving a depth of balance in all areas of your life. Despite requests on your time and energy it is important for you to have as much solitude and space as needed for you to regain this sense of balance. Follow your feelings and say no as often as needed until you feel, like you have found your feet once again.

Often, when we feel pressured or scared, we go on the defensive, thinking we must protect ourselves. This moonth invites you to consider that you can be uncomfortable and unguarded at the same time. We do not always need to defend just because things are not going our way. Sometimes we just need to be a witness.

Tarot Readings are courtesy of local tarot reader Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre. Wyld offers personal medicine sessions, group coaching programs and intimate Rebirth Initiations here in the Gorge. She also reads Tarot every second Friday at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen. You can schedule your session HERE.

Pisces 2022 Overview


Your January Tarotscope and Astrology Predictions for 2023


November 2022 Horoscopes: There is wisdom in the darkness