November 2023 Horoscope: Intense Scorpio and Truthseeking Sagittarius Make a Dynamic Duo

Hello dear ones, 

First off I want to say congratulations on making it through last months Solar and Lunar Eclipses! You did it! But as the hard times fade away into something new and shining, it’s important to be grateful for what we have and to stay present with the life we want to create for ourselves.

November, starts off with some intense Scorpio deepening energy before transitioning into fiery and adventurous Sagittarius season starting Nov 22nd. 

Some key things to keep in mind this month: 

When Headmaster Saturn finally exits retrograde and goes direct on the 4th it will be a make or break moment for your goals, projects, and desires: it’s time to put up or shut up so to speak.

On the 8th Venus moves into Libra, bringing harmony to our relationships. 

The new moon in Scorpio on the 13th invites us to access the deepest depths of our emotions in order to connect to our authentic selves. 

The Gemini full moon on the 27th brings everything full circle, literally, allowing us to communicate clearly what it is that we have been manifesting in our lives.

Your November Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This month the hard, sharp edges of life that you’ve been delicately avoiding being sliced open by are softening a bit. With Saturn going direct you’ll find yourself opening up to a world of joy and humor again. Also supporting you this month is Venus in the air sign of Libra, bringing about harmony and igniting your romantic and platonic heartfires. Time to redownload Hinge or take your partner on a date because for the first time in a while, the light is shining on you in a way that allows you to be fully seen for who you are. Things might even get deep around the Scorpio new moon, when you receive some clarity around what it is you really need to feel emotionally secure financially, spiritually, and romantically. When the sun moves into your fellow fire sign Sagittarus, it will be time to turn that clarity into action by expanding your horizons

If there are moments of darkness, try to keep in mind that Chiron, the wounded healer, is in your sign this month, illuminating the parts of you that need your loving attention to heal.

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The last lunar eclipse ended a two year cycle for you, and now that you’ve released the things that were holding you back it’s time to embrace a new beginning and turn your feelings into actions that help you build the relationships you want and prioritize the people in your inner circle that really matter to you. Supporting you in accomplishing this, is Libra in Venus, which brings a sense of harmony to your relationships this month. Also showing up for you this month is Saturn in Pisces which helps you to embrace your creativity, and your intuition. Meanwhile Jupiter in retrograde and the Scorpio new moon shine some light on repeating karmic lessons in your life and encourage you to reflect on what you’ve learned.

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Scorpio season is ramping up the intensity of your emotions this month. It also has you reflecting on where you’re spending your energy in terms of your commitments, responsibilities, obligations, daily routines and your habits. It’s time to assess where you are spending your energy, and prioritize the things that ignite your inner fire as opposed to raining on your parade. Don’t overthink it though. Trust your gut and be honest about what you really want and need to feel fulfilled at work and at home. Supporting you in initiating any changes you want to make is the new moon in Scorpio on the 13th. Once fiery Sagittarius season begins later in the month, some of that deep emotional intensity of Scorpio will let up and you’ll be more focused on moving forward in your relationships.

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You’ve been undergoing some big changes in your life but now that you are emerging from your cocoon into a full blown butterfly, things are taking a lighter turn as you embrace a new mindset. For you, the depths of your fellow water sign Scorpio offer fated moments, karmic connections, opportunities for true love, and light hearted fun. When your ruling planet the moon goes dark in Scorpio on the 13th it is an ideal time to let your inner idealist take flight and take a deep dive into imagining and setting intentions for creating your dream life. When the sun moves into truth seeking Sagittarius around the 22nd you’ll start to see the path to adventure and expanded horizons beginning to take shape. 

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

This month shines a light on your family, both chosen and given. Dirty laundry may surface, causing painful or dramatic fallouts. Do your best to weather this by acknowledging and doing your part to heal any past hurts that may still live inside of you. You are a born leader, and others look to you for guidance, so do your best to show up as the person your inner lion cub needed when you were little. And mid-month when the Scorpio new moon rises on the 13th, there is an opportunity to add a new addition to your family unit, whether that is a new pet, plant, or even the deepening of a close relationship with a new friend. It’s also a good time to let things go and set new intentions for how you want to show up (or not) within your family dynamic. When your ruling planet the sun moves into your fellow fire sign Sagittarius on the 22nd some of the heaviness of the month will be released and you’ll have a chance to have some fun, flirtinesss, and laughter back in your life again. If you’re feeling up to it than it’s a great time to plan a dance party!

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Scorpio season in combination with your ruling planet Mercury journeying through Scorpio is inviting you to assess and transform your inner dialogue into a source of support this month. Regardless of what is happening around you, you have the ability to cultivate a chemistry of peace within you. It is up to you to make your internal landscape a beautiful garden of your own making.  When Venus moves out of your sign and into relationship oriented Libra on the 8th followed by Mercury’s move into Sagittarius some of the tension you’ve been feeling around a need for perfectionism will be released, giving you a chance to be more honest with yourself and others about what it really takes to connect with you and what you offer to connection. The second half of the month reignites your independent streak, offering you a chance to expand your horizons and maybe even do something spontaneous.

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This month brings harmony, independence, communication and creativity. When you’re ruling planet Venus, the goddess of love moves into your sign on the 8th you suddenly find yourself in the spotlight as everyones favorite diplomatic darling. And when Mercury enters Sagittarius your throat chakra will be feeling cleared adn ready to support you in speaking your truth-even in rooms that don’t want to hear it. Even though you are the relationship oriented sign of the zodiac, the planets are aligning to push you into a more independent, and carefree state of mind in the public sectors of your life like career and outward appearance. And once the sun moves into Sagittarius at the end of the month you’re creativity will be getting a cosmic boost to help you move in whatever direction lights your creative fire.

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

The sun, mars, and mercury are in your sign this month sending you on a deep dive to discover what lights you up, what drives you, and your inner dialogue. This new moon in your sign offers a moment of rebirth for you. Take what has died, light it on fire and send it sailing off into the sunset so that you can build the dreamboat life of your dreams. Remember to be honest with yourself about your limits, set healthy boundaries and focus on prioritizing what actually matters to you rather than spreading yourself too thin. If you’re not happy with where you live-move. If you want a new job-go get it. Focus on making one thing happen at a time and the rest will fall into place once the sun moves into the life longer learner Sagittarius on the 22nd.

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

All the Scoprio energy at the beginning of this month takes you on an inward journey to the center of what motivates you, where you are placing your energy, and what habits might be holding you back. This time spent assessing will help equip you to make changes in your life when the moment is right (probably when Jupiter exits it’s retrograde in December), but for now it’s alright to just ruminate for a bit. When the sun moves into your sign on the 22nd you’ll be shining brightly and leaning into what brings you joy. And the Gemini full moon will bring you to increased clarity about what you want to bring with you into the coming year.

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

This month Scorpio energies combined with your ruling planet Saturn, in Pisces, is bringing some intensity as well as some watery flow into your life and opening you up to deep gazing into the wise wells of intuition and dreams. The new moon in Scorpio gives you a chance to assess your social circles and prioritize the real ones who loyally show you love while taking a step back from those who don’t see you or support you in your dreams. When Sagittarius season begins on the 22nd you’ll be opening up to a period of spiritual healing.

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your ruling planet Saturn is ending is it’s retrograde this month, giving you the forward momentum you’ve been waiting for in terms of your financial goals, public appearance, and career. Retrograde has had you deep in rumination, but now you’re getting ready to make moves and you’re starting to understand that taking action is what helps you build up your self-esteem and confidence. Let the Scorpio new moon be your jumping off point to a new way of relating and earning money. Best to lay the foundations for your life now, as Pluto will be entering your sign in January, opening up a door to mystery.

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Saturn is finally, finally, finally ending it’s retrograde in your sign on the 4th. This means you’ll get to use all the juicy downloads, intuitions, and reflections you’ve been receiving to get soem forward momentum going in terms of loving yourself, self confidence, self esteem and motivation. Use the Scorpio new moon on the 13th to set an intention to explore new opportunities, modes of self expression, and communication. There is also an opportunity for you in the coming days to receive some kind of recognition. When Sagittarius season arrives on the 22nd it will be time to celebrate your accomplishments and give yourself a chance to unwind and take life a little less seriously for a while.

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

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Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

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