Tarotscope JANUARY 2024: A Year of Magic Begins
his is not just Tarot Card Readings - this is creating a launching pad for your future thriving.
The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:
These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!
If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com
Your Zodiac Sign's First Tarot Reading for 2024
Queen of Pentacles
This moonth holds the sweet nectar of maturity for you dear Aries if you so choose it. While this vibration of maturity is not the natural forté of your sign - it IS a subject your Soul wants to learn about in this lifetime! While we are born with certain personalities and personas (you included!); ultimately, our Soul calls us forward to becoming the greatest expression of ourselves in every imaginable way. So get uncomfortable, get gritty and make some efforts this moonth to get responsible, reliable and rooted!
Ten of Swords
This moonth offers a significant completion for you Taurus if you choose to let go of playing the victim or the martyr and instead focus on what you are moving towards. Let the past GO...especially the actions and choices that you regret now. It is over. nstead, consider how those lessons can impact your life NOW. No more wallowing in the past. What are you desiring? Creating? Dreaming? Turn towards the future and what you want to contribute to the collective! This is the quickest way to change those regrets into wisdom.
Four of Cups
This moonth, we ground down into our feeling body dear Gemini. Not in the perhaps more practiced way of being overtaken by our emotions...but rather in the gentle way of observing our emotions and the stories our brain tells us that get these emotions flowing! You might discover that a good percentage of those overwhelming feelings are actually your brain's way of keeping you distracted from doing hard things! Or that your brain is bored and instead of being creative, there is a pattern of ruminating and triggering feelings to fill in the gaps of life. Let yourself get curious and clean about your big feels.
King of Cups
January represents an opportunity for some much needed emotional space and recharging for you sweet Cancer. This King knows how to take space, how to process feelings and most importantly how to share those feelings with the right people in the right way. As in how to express feelings in ways that can be easily understood and received. This is your superpower this moonth! So use it wisely - who have you been needing to have a heart to heart with? Make a date to do so...
Seven of Pentacles
You are stepping onto a precipice of exciting times dearest Leo! There has been some inspiration and dreaming happening in the background and now it is time to take some steps towards manifestation! It can feel chaotic when we say yes to the creative spirit that lives inside us and you will feel the intensity of that YES this moonth. That's great! Feel the chaos and then do the thing anyway. You are here to shine, to be seen, to be bold like the Lion and the Sun himself. Stop playing small and step into the sunshine.
Six of Swords
Grounded Virgo, while you might have your proverbial sh!t together most of the time, this is not the moonth to get complacent. It is crucial that you stay the course with whatever goal or project has your eye right now even if it feels mundane, boring or painful in some way. You will thank yourself six moons from now that you stayed focused despite a desire to just let go of feeling attached to the completion of this goal. Creative fire will return I promise - but for now, keep doing what needs doing.
Eight of Cups
Dear Libra, this is a moonth of closure, of completion, of finally letting go and moving forward into the new chapter of your life. There is grief in this card, yes that is true. But there are also bright prospects, unknown possibilities and the path that is meant for you. Stop holding onto that relationship, job or project that literally does not feed your Soul. That way is not for you and simply makes that suffering greater. What IS for you is waiting just around the corner...waiting for you to have the space and capacity to accept the blessings!
Page of Wands
This is your permission slip to get curious and see if some rigid thinking and old ways of looking at the world might be preventing you from experiencing more joy! Do you have some solid reasons why you can't change things in your life that you don't prefer? Have you had the same friends for so long doing the same things that you don't even know what you like doing? Do you remember what adventure feels like? This moonth is a time to let the imagination wander and let yourself dream about how you'd like to feel and what you would like to experience in the coming moons.
Nine of Pentacles
This moonth represents a delicious time of rebirthing onto solid ground. It's been a ride for you these last few years but you are coming back into your stride Sag! The key for you is focusing on what you've mastered, what skills you have cultivated and getting excited about how you might apply these skills in new and innovative ways. An excellent mental picture for you would be the anvil and fire of metal smithing. How can you use your natural fire alongside your skills to reshape your life in ways that please you?
Queen of Cups
Your season here is wrought with deep sensations of review and you will be best served by surrendering to the process. Review and digest all the previous plans, goals and inspirations and let yourself feel it all. The disappointment, the excitement, the agitation, the satisfaction... feel it all and then get super clear on which pieces are complete. Inspiration sets us off on a journey, but we are not meant to complete every dream or project as originally imagined. Often the inspiration simply gets us onto the path and then wildly morphs into something else. It's ok to accept incompletes - they are not failures; merely turns on the path. Give gratitude for the inspirations and then let the feelings go!
Two of Swords
This moonth is all about choices, friend! I know you want to find the "right" choice... but the actual course to take is making the choice and moving on. In essence, the choice itself doesn't matter. The power that is present for you at this time is just trusting yourself and getting momentum moving in a direction - any direction - in order for the blessings to be received. Stop thinking. Stop rationalizing. Stop stalling. Just choose and watch how easefully the problems of yesterday become the pathway of tomorrow.
Five of Wands
This moonth represents a time of conflict and confusion sweet Pisces. The mind feels a bit befuddled and clarity is so desperately desired. It will come soon enough... the invitation is to lean IN to the confusion and chaos to find the data. While very uncomfortable, chaos holds all the pieces needed for success on the other side. Chaos occurs when there is dissonance or discord between two or more entities. It is the space of conflict and conflict occurs when Holy Boundaries are not communicated or known. Begin to train yourself to see chaos as your friend, as your signpost that something is out of alignment. Then ask yourself, what do I need to feel more clear and understood? Follow that question over and over again until you lead yourself back into clarity.
If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!
Visit: www.wyldfempyre.com.
Tarotscope: Your December 2023 Tarot Card
Find out what the cards have in store for you this December…
The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:
These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!
If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com.
Currently, A Year of Magic is underway! 5 rhythmic, seasonal sessions to support you throughout 2024 - it is scheduled self-care done for you! You can learn about the details HERE.
This moonth invites you into a deeper exploration of your inner boundaries. This is often a place where you struggle being in the first sign of the zodiac! Yet when we have clean clear boundaries and are rooted in our practices, we build resilience in the face of difficulties that inevitably arise in our lives. Now, while I know you prefer to leap without looking, you would be most benefited this moonth by taking time to get clear on what practices, routines, and rhythms would really serve you in living life sustainably. Especially those rituals (or routines) that are between you and you - like exercise, diet and the health of your environment.
This moonth should feel really good for you as it is in the element of earth and is inviting you to get curious about how you might like to evolve your home space and your physical routines. What cozy improvements can you make to truly create spaces and systems that support you fully in the body that you have been given? The Knight always suggests taking some sort of risk and stepping out of your comfort zone. What are some things you've been curious about, but haven't yet implemented because they are not currently in your wheelhouse? This would be a good moonth to explore them!
This moonth is an opportunity for you to do a deeply personal study around what allows you to feel grounded. As an air sign, this is not an easy task for you! Yet, we all come into these bodies with different lessons that need to be learned and this is one of your tasks. So how do you currently ground yourself? Do you even understand what the concept of grounding means? If not, this is your cosmic invitation to explore this concept and begin calling in support to people who can help you learn what is not a natural skill set!
This is a moonth of water and learning how to rest in your emotional capacity. You, dear Cancer, are led by your soft insides; and this can often be a challenge for you, particularly during very social or highly activating times around family. You can rest this moonth in your feelings, and allow yourself to soften. This is a universal permission slip for you to say no to any events or activities that feel as though they would be draining for you. You don't owe anyone anything! So choose the people and the places that allow you to relax as this is going to serve you best in preparation for 2024.
Hey Lion, this moonth is made for you to shine in mastery around something tangible that you create. What do you like to make with your hands? How do you like to create in the world? How do you leave your mark in your commUNITY? If you are sitting there thinking, "I don't know" then this is your formal invitation to begin! You are meant to inspire, to shine and to follow your passions with gusto...take time this moonth to discover what that passion is!
This moonth is an emotional one for you sweet Virgo, which means some discomfort. It is not always easy to feel our feelings. This moonth is your opportunity to practice letting the feelings flow - and not just the crunchy ones like anger and sadness. Joy can be equally uncomfortable if you have been out of practice! Accept this permission slip to explore all your feelings and to let them seep out from your methodical inner world and out into the relationships around you. It's okay to feel your feelings - it's how we are designed to be!
Despite the mind saying otherwise - this moonth is actually a time to take a break from making big decisions. Rest. Gather data. Work on simple rhythms of self-care. This is not the time to pivot the business, change your hairstyle, move to a new town or end the relationship. It is time to pause, play and reorganize around simplicity. What needs to be simplified? What needs to be cleaned? What needs to be released? This is a gathering for the bigness of 2024.
This card portends surprise, unusual possibilities and being open to the graceful arrival of blessings from unexpected places. It's been quite a year and your mind might want all the answers and clarity right now...but the Great Mystery card says hold your horses! We can't know what the outcomes will be. But with practice and patience, we can begin to trust the process of our lives unraveling. We begin to see every obstacle as an opportunity and every pivot as a blessing. Lean into the unknown this moonth and get curious about what new experiences might be awaiting you...
This moonth represents a challenging time for you dear Archers. A time of feeling like too much is at stake, too many things to do, too much on your plate. I invite you to take a deep breath...ahhhhhh.... The fire of your time of the year is in opposition to the slowing down happening in winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. When the mind gets overwhelmed like this - it is time to move the body. Dance. Lift heavy things. Sweat in a hot bath. Get out of the head and into the body. It will make all the difference!
This is a moonth made for you! The stability of the 4 and the element of earth should feel delightful! Use this energy to focus on your finances and wealth-building activities. Not from a place of shame but from a place of grounded curiosity. How could you create more abundance? How could you save more money? How could you find even more stability in the resources of your life from a feeling of fun and clarity? This is about making wealth a game that you can play and win!
This moonth asks you to really assess whether you are being generous or overgiving. Are you sharing in reciprocity or are you giving way too much to the people and projects around you? You have such a big visionary gift and it can be so easy to get caught up in the future instead of right now. This is your permission slip to always maintain what you need for yourself first before giving your access to those around you. If we do not take care of ourselves before others, we eventually burn out, and then everyone loses.
This is the moonth of a brand new cycle for you sweet Pisces! This has been one heck of a year for you and this card tells me you are about to enter 2024 with new ground, security, and a sense of just rightness. You deserve this feeling of security and safety in your skin. This moonth is all about planning and setting the proper foundation for what you wish to create for your future! Give yourself time to consider the 1,3 and five-year plan. How would you like to feel five years from now? How would you like to feel three years from now? And next year - what is it you would truly like to experience? Always remind yourself that you deserve to feel good, especially as you go through this process.
If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...