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Welcome, friends.

Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

A Thank You Note to CCCNews and MCCAC For Helping NAMI Gorge Find A Meeting Space

To the Editor:

I write to thank you and your staff, especially Cole Goodwin, for the work your publication does in our community. CCCNews does more than just tell our communities stories, they help local organizations engage the community to find solutions to problems.

I had approached Cole to see if they would be interested in doing a story to highlight the National Alliance on Mental Illness support group's existence. As its facilitator, I was concerned that people weren't aware we still had meetings. 

The article mentioned that we had been looking for an in-person meeting space. Within an hour of online publication, I had an email offering us meeting space in the new MCCAC Gloria Center. In the following days, I received two more offers of possible meeting spaces, as well as messages extolling NAMI's help in times of emotional trauma. 

In telling friends and acquaintances about the experience, I encouraged everyone to 1) Go to CCCNews to get information into the community, and 2) (most importantly) PAY & SUBSCRIBE! If we want continued excellent local community coverage, we all need to contribute. CCCNews is an important community resource that is worthy of your paid support.

Barbara Telfer
The Dalles

Its time to get planting trees

Its time to get planting trees

Jail Problems in Klickitat County 'neglect if not negligence'

Jail Problems in Klickitat County 'neglect if not negligence'

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