Save Barrett Park in HR

To the editor,

I want to get this issue out about Barrett Park, as there has been some talk about selling it or using it for a land swap. I'm advocating to save the open space for the community and future generations for public use and enjoyment. The value of an open space that we can enjoy for our health and well being cannot be underestimated. Instead of selling it to the highest bidder who will turn it into private property and use the 31 acre parcel for their own use and profit, the land should be kept for the community, plants, and animals that have an oasis there, a refuge from the highly managed orchards and encroaching development. Call it the grand finale of Indian Creek Trail, where you reach open meadows, views of both mountains, and see an iconic barn at the top of the hill. Barrett Park isn't surplus, it's a beloved place we don't want to lose.

There is a HRVPR board meeting at the Aquatic Center on March 19th at 6pm, please come and have your voices heard or submit comments to let them know you don’t want to decommission Barrett Park.

-Natasha Colette, Hood River


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