Strange, Panther-Like Creature Prowls the Gorge
Local business seeks additional accounts of the Ebony Ape Cat.
An artist depiction of the the Ebony Ape Cat.
This content is sponsored by Margie’s Outdoor Store.
By Cole Goodwin
Realtors warn their clients that they may encounter an “indescribable black creature” while visiting remote properties in Snowden. A driver in Klickitat Canyon spots a hulking black beast with a long tail lurking near roadside homesteads at dawn. Rumors have swirled in Trout Lake for close to three decades about a family of sable-colored, mutated cougars. These paranormal reports received at Margie’s Outdoor Store all seem to be describing the same thing, a beast that is being called the Ebony Ape Cat.
“The Columbia River Gorge has always been a supernatural hot spot,” said James Szubski, Chief Operating Officer of Margie’s Outdoor Store. “We know some very strange things are afoot in the Gorge, but the sheer volume of credible reports regarding the Ebony Ape Cat has really caught us by surprise.”
Since late February, Margie’s Outdoor Store has been asking folks living in and visiting the Gorge to file paranormal reports at the store location on Highway 14 just east of downtown Bingen, Washington.
“The creature’s appearance does not match any of the mundane wildlife that live in Washington or Oregon. In fact, according to some reports it doesn’t seem like it matches any commonly known animal at all. That and certain details about the reported encounters lead us to believe that there’s a chance we may be dealing with something paranormal. Whether or not that pans out to be true, one thing is clear, there is definitely something very unusual prowling around in the Gorge.” said Szubski.
Ebony Ape Cat encounters often occur at sunrise and sunset. During these moments of transition, the barriers between worlds are very thin. Photo Credit: James Szubski
CCC news sat down with Mr. Szubski to get more details.
CCC: “Thank you for speaking with us today.”
Mr. Szubski: “My pleasure. Please call me James.”
CCC: “When did you first start receiving reports about this creature?”
James: “The Outdoor Store received the first significant report about the Ebony Ape Cat in early April. I was intrigued and excited by the details, but what really got me was the credibility of the account. Before she died, Margie helped a sick relative of the person who filed the report so there was a personal family connection. Furthermore, he passed all of the subtle tests we employ to determine the truthfulness of a witness. He wasn’t just in the store for fun. He had a real story to tell. You’d be surprised how often that happens.”
CCC: “Interesting. Why are you going public with these reports?”
James: “The next day, I was talking about this report with my employees, and one of them realized they had seen the creature themselves. That’s when I decided it was important to get the word out about the cryptid to see if others had also encountered it. Since then, reports regarding the Ebony Ape Cat (E.A.C. for short) have snowballed. We have well over a dozen reports now, and new ones are coming in weekly. We are making posts on our social media, but that’s so limited. We are starting to think an open house meeting on the topic might be better and are trying to gauge public interest in something like that.”
Several Ebony Ape Cat encounters have occurred in river canyons where the constant flow of energy can open pathways between the physical world and paranormal realms. Photo Credit: James Szubski
CCC: “What intrigued you so much about that first report?”
James: “Before I get into that, I should tell you that I will intentionally be altering, mixing, and omitting a few minor details of these accounts. I am doing this for three reasons. First, we want to protect the privacy of those who file reports. Second, it helps us verify future accounts. (Some folks get a kick out of filing made up reports. We see that as harmless fun, but it’s important for us to have ways to separate the wheat from the chaff). Finally, we want to protect the creature itself. This is something that is important to several of the people who filed reports. Giving out too many details about where to find it could turn the area into a three-ring circus. So far there have been no hostile encounters reported. We feel a responsibility to keep both the creature and the public safe.”
CCC: “Fair enough. Please tell us what you can about that first report.”
James: “The report came from a man who was orienteering up near Buck Creek. Most of the sightings have occurred in river canyons on the Washington side of the Gorge. He noticed his compass behaving erratically. Its needle kept bending away from North. He could actually see the needle moving as he held the compass in his hand. That and the location are two of several important supernatural clues (I will cover what I mean in a minute). Shortly after the magnetic compass weirdness, the man glanced across the creek, and that’s when he noticed the creature watching him.”
The Columbia River has been flowing through this area since before the Cascade Mountains raised up. That powerful energy current profoundly influences paranormal activity in the Gorge. Photo Credit: James Szubski
CCC: “What did it look like?”
James: “The frame of the beast was like that of a heavily muscled, extraordinarily large panther. The creature stood close to five feet tall at the shoulder. It was covered in jet black fur that was four to five inches long. The fur did not lay flat, but instead it stood straight out. Its prominent tail was easily six feet long. (The tail is a characteristic common to all Ebony Ape Cat reports). It had intelligent ape-like eyes and other primate features. He said the best way to describe it was a cross between a huge monkey and a panther. It was completely unafraid of the man and seemed to regard him with great curiosity. They observed each other for at least five minutes before the beast turned into the thick forest and disappeared. The man said the experience of connecting with such an unusual being was thrilling for sure but not really scary. He considers himself lucky to have had what he calls a magical encounter.”
The bodies of humans and animals are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fluctuations that often accompany paranormal activity. Photo Credit: James Szubski
CCC: “What makes you think the Ebony Ape Cat may be paranormal?”
James: “The physical world is not the native home of many paranormal beings. To be seen here, a pathway needs to be open between our world and theirs. That often happens in places where there is a constant flow of energy in the physical realm, like in river valleys and canyons. Many EAC encounters have happened in places like this. The Columbia River Gorge is a supernatural hot spot because strong energy currents have been flowing here for millions of years.
When pathways are open, electromagnetic energy fields in the physical world can get disrupted. Magnetic compasses and sensitive electronics often get fouled during these encounters. The human body itself is incredibly attuned to subtle electromagnetic changes. During paranormal events, people can literally feel that something different is going on. There are certain common sensations, and we are seeing those in many of the EAC reports.”
CCC: “How can people learn more about the Ebony Ape Cat?”
James: “We will be posting updates about the Ebony Ape Cat on Margie’s Outdoor Store Facebook and Instagram pages. We are also considering holding a public meeting with a presentation and Q&A. If people are interested, they should come into the Outdoor Store in Bingen to sign up.”
CCC: “Thank you for speaking with us.”
James: “My pleasure.”
Read more: Is the Columbia River Gorge A Supernatural Hotbed?