Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

Question of the week: What do you love most about Mosier School?

Local students sound off about Mosier School in this heart-felt Valentine’s edition. Also, parents read here to find out more about the school and its offerings in both Spanish and English.

News from our Sponsors / Mosier Community School

At Mosier Community School Students Share Their LOVE Q: What do you LOVE most about Mosier Community School? 

“I ♥ going to Mosier Community School because everyone knows everyone, and I love that we have hands-on projects.” ~Middle School Student 

“I ♥ the field trips” ~Middle School Student 

“I ♥ that there is a garden outside.” ~grade 2 student 

Solar system project

“I ♥ Fun Friday because you can pick whatever you want.” ~grade 3 student 

“I really ♥ the clubs, OBOB, and the cross-country team. They are really cool! It is also really cool to have a part in the plays in the drama club.” ~middle school student 

Reading Time

“I ♥ the playground at Mosier Community School.” ~grade 4 student 

“I ♥ the music.” ~grade 1 student 

Elementary Math Games

“I ♥ that six generations of my family have gone here.” ~grade 2 student 

“I ♥ how there is so much art in Mosier.” ~Middle School Student 

Middle School Science

“I ♥ Spirit Week at MCS and Epic on the Chromebook.” ~grade 3 student “I ♥ reading rotations because I can write.” ~grade 2 student 

“I ♥ that all of the teachers know me.” ~kindergarten student 

“I ♥ the Skate Night-Skate Club.” ~grade 4 student 

“I ♥ that they make really good lunch meals for the kids in the school.” ~grade 6 student “I ♥ that the teachers are nice because they make me smart.” ~grade 2 student “I ♥ that there are a lot of science experiments.” ~grade 4 student 

“I ♥ the friends that I make here.”~Middle School Student 

Middle School Science

“I ♥ how some of us have the SECRETS program through the 

Discovery Center.” ~grade 4 student

Mosier Community School is a PreK-grade 8 charter school nestled near the banks of the Columbia River, between Hood River and The Dalles. Our dedicated team of educators foster independent learning and citizenship for students to explore, imagine, and excel in all stages of their academic journey. Multi-age and project-based learning environments and small class sizes make our school the ideal place for your child to thrive. 

Mosier Community School is currently enrolling! 

Check us out on our website.

Come share in the LOVE!

Mosier Community School Brochure in Spanish

Mosier Community School Brochure in English

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Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

STRAIGHT TALK FROM KPUD, part 7 in a series

Are AMI meters safe? The meters we are using, manufactured by Landis and Gyr, are UL tested and are certified to the 2735 standard for electric utility meters. At a distance of 3 feet in front of the meter, the emissions from the AMI meters were less than 0.2% of these standards for 900 MHz radio emissions.

News from our Sponsors:

Part 7 of a series by Jim Smith and Rodger Nichols

Responding to your concerns

We’d like to clear up some misinformation that has been circulating recently.

First, I have heard that some customers want to keep their analog meters. We have been replacing analog meters for years and right now, about 70 percent of the meters in the system are already electronic. We have not bought an analog meter in over 20 years.

Electronic meters are just that. Meters. They measure, record and store how much electricity we are providing to customers. The only difference between the electronic meters we already have and the new advanced meters is they will record information more often and there is a radio circuit that saves sending someone out to read the meter, and eliminates the chore for those who now read their own.

It’s important to note that advanced meters only tell us the amount of electricity you use and when, not what it’s being used for. We continue to have no visibility or control on your side of the meter.

Usage information will be readily available to you through SmartHub so you can see all the information that we do. Knowing customer usage information is important to ensure proper sizing of equipment, ensuring quality service and safety.

Are AMI meters safe? The meters we are using, manufactured by Landis and Gyr, are UL tested and are certified to the 2735 standard for electric utility meters. This is the same standard our existing electronic meters meet. The Electric Power Institute (EPRI) tested actual installations of Landis & Gyr AMI meters in 2014 and published their recorded measurements of radio emissions from AMI meters and other common devices, and compared those readings to US and international standards. At a distance of 3 feet in front of the meter, the emissions from the AMI meters were less than 0.2% of these standards for 900 MHz radio emissions.

The radio emission signatures of the meters we are installing are the same as those meters measured. This technology is not new or unproven, it is just new to us. Landis & Gry have sold 50 million advanced meters.

Some folks have noted concerns about fire safety and in particular, that Portland General Electric removed 70,000 AMI meters from their customers in 2014, after three fires. What is frequently overlooked is that PGE replaced that particular production run of meters with similar AMI meters. These were not manufactured by Landis & Gyr. At that time, PGE had 750,000 AMI meters installed in their system.

Some customers have expressed concern about invasion of privacy. Usage information is information on the electricity we are selling to you, how much and when. Usage information is never sold and is only distributed when customers request it. We will protect your information on the power we sell you as we do your personal information, with the utmost care. You will have access to that data through Smart- Hub if you choose.

Klickitat PUD is not a private company and doesn’t owe anything to stockholders. We value our customers and their privacy and would never compromise that for a buck. We are a public nonprofit utility, which answers to our ratepayers, our community, and our PUD commissioners; this gives us a different perspective and it’s never just a money grab.

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Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

STRAIGHT TALK FROM KPUD; Part 2 of a series

Today, we want to give you a bigger view of the changes happening in our electric industry and what we are doing about it.

News from our Sponsors

Part 2 of a series by Jim Smith and Rodger Nichols

Last week we featured some unanticipated impacts of recent state carbon legislation. Today, we want to give you a bigger view of the changes happening in our electric industry and what we are doing about it.

Klickitat PUD still buys most of its power from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). By statute, BPA is required to sell power at cost—not for profit—to public utilities.

BPA guarantees it will supply a set amount of power, which the system can reliably provide. This Tier 1 Preference Power  is the least expensive.

When demand for power exceeds BPA’s Tier 1 capacity, as it does in Klickitat County, the PUD is left with two choices: buy additional power through BPA’s Tier 2 power or from the open market.   

The PUD has a small amount of its own generation through a hydro facility on the McNary Dam, that is co-owned with Northern Wasco PUD. This power generated is used to serve customer loads. We also have a small share in a Packwood hydro project, as well as a 13% share of the output from the White Creek Wind Project, though that output is sold on the market.

Local demand is getting more critical. Historically, Klickitat PUD has seen a steady 1% increase in load growth each year. In recent years, that number has doubled. It’s due in part to population growth, but also to cryptocurrency mining and a major increase in irrigation load.

Carbon reduction policies adopted by the Legislature will drive further electrification. These policies affect residential and commercial building codes and will shift the use of natural gas to electricity.

Growing electric vehicle use

These policies also promote electric vehicles,  which require charging at homes or at charging stations, further increasing electric demand. In one case we are familiar with, the vehicle charging tripled a home owner’s electricity use.

Currently, 206 electric vehicles are registered in Klickitat County. The state predicts 1,300 EVs will be registered in the county by 2030. Remember, current state legislation bans the sale of new internal combustion engine vehicles starting in 2035.

Klickitat PUD has a responsibility for managing our power supply, setting our rates appropriately. and upgrading our electrical infrastructure in order to supply these increasing loads.

Next week: why replacing power sources is difficult. To read part 1 in this series, series click here.

The QR code will take you to more information online or book a PUD expert to talk to your group at 509-493-2255.

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Cole Goodwin Cole Goodwin

Strange, Panther-Like Creature Prowls the Gorge

Realtors warn their clients that they may encounter an “indescribable black creature” while visiting remote properties in Snowden. A driver in Klickitat canyon spots a hulking black beast with a long tail lurking near roadside homesteads at dawn. Rumors have swirled in Trout Lake for close to three decades about a family of sable-colored, mutated cougars. These paranormal reports received at Margie’s Outdoor Store all seem to be describing the same thing, a beast that is being called the Ebony Ape Cat.

Local business seeks additional accounts of the Ebony Ape Cat.

An artist depiction of the the Ebony Ape Cat.

This content is sponsored by Margie’s Outdoor Store.

By Cole Goodwin

Realtors warn their clients that they may encounter an “indescribable black creature” while visiting remote properties in Snowden. A driver in Klickitat Canyon spots a hulking black beast with a long tail lurking near roadside homesteads at dawn. Rumors have swirled in Trout Lake for close to three decades about a family of sable-colored, mutated cougars. These paranormal reports received at Margie’s Outdoor Store all seem to be describing the same thing, a beast that is being called the Ebony Ape Cat.

“The Columbia River Gorge has always been a supernatural hot spot,” said James Szubski, Chief Operating Officer of Margie’s Outdoor Store. “We know some very strange things are afoot in the Gorge, but the sheer volume of credible reports regarding the Ebony Ape Cat has really caught us by surprise.” 

Since late February, Margie’s Outdoor Store has been asking folks living in and visiting the Gorge to file paranormal reports at the store location on Highway 14 just east of downtown Bingen, Washington. 

“The creature’s appearance does not match any of the mundane wildlife that live in Washington or Oregon. In fact, according to some reports it doesn’t seem like it matches any commonly known animal at all. That and certain details about the reported encounters lead us to believe that there’s a chance we may be dealing with something paranormal. Whether or not that pans out to be true, one thing is clear, there is definitely something very unusual prowling around in the Gorge.” said Szubski. 

Ebony Ape Cat encounters often occur at sunrise and sunset. During these moments of transition, the barriers between worlds are very thin. Photo Credit: James Szubski

CCC news sat down with Mr. Szubski to get more details. 

CCC: “Thank you for speaking with us today.”

Mr. Szubski: “My pleasure. Please call me James.”

CCC: “When did you first start receiving reports about this creature?”

James: “The Outdoor Store received the first significant report about the Ebony Ape Cat in early April. I was intrigued and excited by the details, but what really got me was the credibility of the account. Before she died, Margie helped a sick relative of the person who filed the report so there was a personal family connection. Furthermore, he passed all of the subtle tests we employ to determine the truthfulness of a witness. He wasn’t just in the store for fun. He had a real story to tell.  You’d be surprised how often that happens.”

CCC: “Interesting. Why are you going public with these reports?”

James: “The next day, I was talking about this report with my employees, and one of them realized they had seen the creature themselves. That’s when I decided it was important to get the word out about the cryptid to see if others had also encountered it.  Since then, reports regarding the Ebony Ape Cat (E.A.C. for short) have snowballed. We have well over a dozen reports now, and new ones are coming in weekly. We are making posts on our social media, but that’s so limited. We are starting to think an open house meeting on the topic might be better and are trying to gauge public interest in something like that.”

Several Ebony Ape Cat encounters have occurred in river canyons where the constant flow of energy can open pathways between the physical world and paranormal realms. Photo Credit: James Szubski

CCC: “What intrigued you so much about that first report?”

James: “Before I get into that, I should tell you that I will intentionally be altering, mixing, and omitting a few minor details of these accounts.  I am doing this for three reasons. First, we want to protect the privacy of those who file reports. Second, it helps us verify future accounts. (Some folks get a kick out of filing made up reports. We see that as harmless fun, but it’s important for us to have ways to separate the wheat from the chaff). Finally, we want to protect the creature itself. This is something that is important to several of the people who filed reports. Giving out too many details about where to find it could turn the area into a three-ring circus.  So far there have been no hostile encounters reported. We feel a responsibility to keep both the creature and the public safe.”

CCC: “Fair enough. Please tell us what you can about that first report.”

James: “The report came from a man who was orienteering up near Buck Creek. Most of the sightings have occurred in river canyons on the Washington side of the Gorge. He noticed his compass behaving erratically. Its needle kept bending away from North. He could actually see the needle moving as he held the compass in his hand. That and the location are two of several important supernatural clues (I will cover what I mean in a minute). Shortly after the magnetic compass weirdness, the man glanced across the creek, and that’s when he noticed the creature watching him.”

The Columbia River has been flowing through this area since before the Cascade Mountains raised up. That powerful energy current profoundly influences paranormal activity in the Gorge. Photo Credit: James Szubski

CCC: “What did it look like?”

James: “The frame of the beast was like that of a heavily muscled, extraordinarily large panther. The creature stood close to five feet tall at the shoulder. It was covered in jet black fur that was four to five inches long. The fur did not lay flat, but instead it stood straight out. Its prominent tail was easily six feet long. (The tail is a characteristic common to all Ebony Ape Cat reports). It had intelligent ape-like eyes and other primate features. He said the best way to describe it was a cross between a huge monkey and a panther. It was completely unafraid of the man and seemed to regard him with great curiosity. They observed each other for at least five minutes before the beast turned into the thick forest and disappeared. The man said the experience of connecting with such an unusual being was thrilling for sure but not really scary. He considers himself lucky to have had what he calls a magical encounter.”

The bodies of humans and animals are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fluctuations that often accompany paranormal activity. Photo Credit: James Szubski

CCC: “What makes you think the Ebony Ape Cat may be paranormal?”

James: “The physical world is not the native home of many paranormal beings. To be seen here, a pathway needs to be open between our world and theirs. That often happens in places where there is a constant flow of energy in the physical realm, like in river valleys and canyons. Many EAC encounters have happened in places like this. The Columbia River Gorge is a supernatural hot spot because strong energy currents have been flowing here for millions of years. 

When pathways are open, electromagnetic energy fields in the physical world can get disrupted.  Magnetic compasses and sensitive electronics often get fouled during these encounters. The human body itself is incredibly attuned to subtle electromagnetic changes. During paranormal events, people can literally feel that something different is going on.  There are certain common sensations, and we are seeing those in many of the EAC reports.”

CCC: “How can people learn more about the Ebony Ape Cat?”

James: “We will be posting updates about the Ebony Ape Cat on Margie’s Outdoor Store Facebook and Instagram pages. We are also considering holding a public meeting with a presentation and Q&A.  If people are interested, they should come into the Outdoor Store in Bingen to sign up.” 

CCC: “Thank you for speaking with us.”

James: “My pleasure.”

Read more: Is the Columbia River Gorge A Supernatural Hotbed?

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Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

6 Ways to Celebrate Love Locally This Valentine's Day!

Looking for ways to celebrate a wintery Valentine’s Day this year? Here are some ways you can show love to your community, yourself, your partner and local businesses.

Looking for a way to celebrate a wintery Valentine’s Day this year? Here are some ways you can show your community, yourself, and your partner some love this Valentine's Day. 

6. Win a Free Boudoir Photo Shoot 

An intimate portrait taken by Joy Reyneke Photography

Joy Reyneke enjoys seeing her clients feel beautiful in their own skin.

Joy Reyneke enjoys seeing her clients feel beautiful in their own skin.

Get treated to a magazine style photoshoot experience!

Enjoy the ultimate self-love and beauty experience and enter to win a free boudoir photo shoot from local award winning photographer Joy Reyneke!

Her ability to relate with and direct clients allows her to create the most authentic and incredible images you’ve ever seen.  

“This is my way of spreading love and giving back to the community this Valentine’s Day,” said Joy Reyneke. “I think sometimes we can get so caught up in the whole you have to have a partner on V-Day or you’re nobody mentality- I know I did when I was younger and single. So I really wanted to give something back to the single people on Valentine's Day this year.”

A stunning portrait from Joy Reyneke. View more examples of Joy’s work here.

A stunning portrait from Joy Reyneke. View more examples of Joy’s work here.

“A boudoir photo shoot is a great way to show yourself and your body some self-love. Plus it’s a lot of fun! We do costuming, hair, make-up, and post photo editing- the whole shebang so that our clients get the full body positive glamour experience.” 

About Joy Reyneke Photography

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Joy Reyneke is a magazine style photographer for the everyday person. She has been a portrait photographer for over 15 years. Her award-winning work, acclaimed style, and service-focused approach have quickly distinguished Joy as the go-to gal for clients who want extraordinary images. 

How to Enter to Win

How to Enter to win a fabulous $1250 boudoir photography shoot GIVE-AWAY for a lucky SINGLE woman or man.

1. Comment on Joy’s Giveaway Post on FB and say why you think you deserve an amazing photoshoot experience. What do you love about yourself?
2. LIKE Joy Reyneke’s FB page if you haven't already.
3. SHARE with a Friend
4. The most IMPORTANT go to my website and fill out my Contact form, and copy and paste in your message of self love. Link.

Rules are pretty simple.
You must be over 21 years.
And the shoot is for only one person.
The shoot will take place at 421 E 2nd Street, The Dalles OR.
The shoot will take place before April 15, 2021.

Cost: FREE ($1250 value)

5. Stay Present, Build Intimacy, and Reclaim Desire with Couples Counseling

Making your partner a delicious breakfast can be a great way to show them that you care about their well being.

Making your partner a delicious breakfast can be a great way to show them that you care about their well being.

This Valentine’s Day Give the gift of staying present, building intimacy, and reclaiming desire in your relationship. 

Present Tense Relating works with couples to make the relationship work for EVERYONE involved.

Whether you’re going through a hard time or just want to do a check-in on your relationship goals Jonathon Chiaravalle, MA, LPC at Present Tense Relating is a licensed professional counselor with a listening ear and all the answers you need. 

“We provide non-denominational counseling and specialize in relationships, sexuality, trauma care, depression, and anxiety. ” said Jonathon Chiaravalle. 

Relationships are fulfilling yet challenging. 

And Valentine’s Day can bring a lot of pressure and sometimes create confrontation in relationships. 

“I teach relationship skills, help couples process emotions and have a style of "Caring Confrontation" to make their relationships the most successful they can be. I help and encourage my clients to develop tools and skills for success in their life and relationships.”

“Relationships can be difficult. Let’s start working together to make them better.” said Jonathon Chiaravalle. “And For a fun Valentine's Day activity go to to take the quiz and learn more about yourself and your partner!”

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation today by calling (541) 705-7045. 

About Jonathan Chiaravalle

Jonathan Chiravalle Portrait.jpg

Jonathon Chiaravalle, MA, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Present Tense Relating in The Dalles. He has studied relationships and sexuality for over a decade and who’s worked in the field of human services since 1988. He works with straight and LGBT+ couples and clients to help them improve their lives and achieve their relationship goals. 

Please check out to learn more.

4. Treat Yourself to 5 Star Fine Dining at Home

Baldwin Saloon’s Valentine’s Day Meal Kit. Choose from Slow Roasted Cod or Pork Tenderloin.

Baldwin Saloon’s Valentine’s Day Meal Kit. Choose from Slow Roasted Cod or Pork Tenderloin.

Get ready to deliver a fine dining experience in your own home that takes only minutes to prepare. 

Baldwin Saloon is back at it again with not one but TWO NEW Take-Home Meal Kits specially made for a delicious and nutritious Valentine’s Day. 

This is the perfect option for even the most cooking-phobic person who wants to do something truly unique and nourishing this Valentine’s Day. 

Valentine’s Day Meal Kit #1

Enjoy Slow Roasted Cod with sauce piquant, confit potatoes, mustard onions and perfectly creamy Truffled Cauliflower Soup, with roasted cauliflower, cream, and black truffles. Followed by a very special dessert of Red Velvet Cake with dark chocolate glaze and strawberry coulis that will have you feeling the romance in every one of your tastebuds. 

Cost: $38

Not into fish?

Get Valentine’s Day Meal Kit #2

Enjoy delicious Pork Tenderloin with roasted brussels sprouts and apples, delightful almost sinful bacon carrot jam, and chimichurri. The tenderloin pair perfectly with Truffled Cauliflower Soup, with roasted cauliflower, cream, and black truffles. Followed by a very special dessert of Red Velvet Cake with dark chocolate glaze and strawberry coulis that will have you feeling the romance in every one of your tastebuds.

Each Take-Home Meal Kit comes with simple instructions that are so easy to follow it’s almost ridiculous. Follow them to the ‘T’ to impress your partner, your friends, and your loved ones with savory and sweet fresh-from-the-farm foods, gorgeous plating, and flavor combinations you didn’t even know you needed.

Cost $38

Learn more about Baldwin Saloon’s upcoming Madri Gras King Cake Special and more at

Order Here to pick-up your meal kit on Saturday February 13th.

Not sure what they like to eat? Get them a gift card!

Or learn more about their upcoming Madri Gras Special and more at

About Baldwin Saloon

Baldwin Saloon Logo.png

The Baldwin Saloon has a long history of satisfying tastebuds in The Dalles, stretching back to the original Baldwin Brothers who originally established the saloon in 1876. To learn more read CCC News article about the new owners and check out CCCNew’s review on the Baldwin Saloons Meal Kits to see for yourself just how easy it really is to have fresh five-star food-FAST. 

3. Dress Up and Stress Down with Acupuncture and Swarovksi Crystal Ear Bling! Auriculotherapy

An ear that has been treated to a special auriculotherapy treatment!

An ear that has been treated to a special auriculotherapy treatment!

Dressing up can add a special feeling to any experience.

Get your glow on for days and give your ears a sparkly boost on this special date of healing and relaxation.

Treat yourself and loved ones to the healing powers of acupuncture and auriculotherapy with a special Valentine’s date for one (or two) at Cascade Acupuncture Center

Love Yourself Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy for One or 

Valentine’s Day Acupuncture for Two

Give the gift of health to yourself and loved ones. Relax and heal the body, mind and spirit with Cascade Acupuncture’s very special Valentine’s Package for singles, couples and BFF’s. 

Enjoy ease as experienced professionals utilize a simple technique to place sparkling Swarovski ear seeds onto special pressure points of each ear. The non-invasive application lasts for days to calm your anxieties and invite relaxation. 

After a great session of healing and relaxation, taking home a gift bag of delectable non-GMO chocolates - to share or not to share - will be your only question!!

Purchase Your Package Experience today or learn more here.

Cost: $ 37.50 - $75

Give a gift certificate that gives back to the community.

For every $25 gift certificate purchased, Cascade Acupuncture Center will donate 20 items to the local food bank.  

For every $50 or more gift certificates, Cascade Acupuncture Center will donate 40 items to the local food bank and the purchaser will receive a Free Happy Hour acupuncture treatment!

Schedule your special healing experience today at or by calling 387-HEAL.

About Cascade Acupuncture


Cascade Acupuncture Center is based in The Dalles and Hood River. Their health care approach is based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is an ancient medical system that has been practiced for more than five thousand years. TCM is a holistic medical model that always addresses both the physical and emotional areas of health imbalances at the same time. TCM includes Acupuncture, Chinese Medical Pulse Diagnosis, and Chinese Herbal Medicine and has the unique capacity to effectively diagnose and cure illness without the possible side effects of many other medications and procedures. 

2. Give the Gift of Migraine Relief 

Daith piercings may help with migraine relief! To learn more about Daith piercings and what to expect by checking out this helpful information from

Daith piercings may help with migraine relief! To learn more about Daith piercings and what to expect by checking out this helpful information from

Does Valentine’s Day gifting feel like a real headache? 

Give the gift of a migraine relieving piercing!

Msfitz in The Dalles is home to professional piercers that are waiting to get you or your loved one the migraine relief they need this Valentine’s Day. 

This is a perfect gift for the person who’s tried everything to get migraine relief and is ready to embrace alternative treatment options and get some shiny new jewelry in the process.

If your significant other has been hinting about jewelry or wanting a new piercing this is an easy way to impress them by nailing both categories at once. 

Migraine relieving piercings are called ‘Daith’ piercings and are a fun way to decorate your ears and benefit your health! 

To learn more about Daith piercings and what to expect by checking out this helpful information from

Not interested in piercings? 

Msfitz has an incredible range of other miscellaneous items like jewelry, vapes, kratom, lamps, toys, movies and more!

About MsFitz

Msfitz is an established head shop that supplies vape, kratom, and piercings to The Dalles, OR. They also have an incredible supply of miscellaneous items such as lamps, toys, movies and more!

1. Wine & Dine Your Valentine and Enjoy a View of the Columbia River

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Celebrate the love and romance in your life by pairing cozy fireside wine with love (and s'mores)!

Pair s’mores and your favorite wines with your Valentine!

Pair s’mores and your favorite wines with your Valentine!

Whether you’re celebrating Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day or something else- no gift pairs quite as classily with a romantically set table on a winter afternoon like locally grown wine from a boutique winery, with humble roots; and high end flavor that is uncanningly fearless, wild and free spirited as the land on which it grows and the wolves that grace it’s bottle. 

Join Tierra de Lobos at their winery in The Dalles on Saturday Feb 13th at 1:00 PM and Sunday Feb 14th at 12:00 PM for a celebration on their covered outdoor patio, illuminated by the firelight of cozy firepits, for an intimate (and social distancing safe) winter winery experience. 

Enjoy a lovingly curated charcuterie board, bottle of wine, and s'mores at your private table with the person or person(s) you most want to spend time with.

Tickets are $39 per couple or pair and tables are available by reservation ONLY. Tickets are almost sold out but are available now at

Reserve your wine and dine experience today while supplies last!

Come Dressed for Winter!

For Your Protection Tierra de Lobos has also provided the following covid-19 Guidelines for those who attend. Be sure to dress according to the weather and bring a blanket and you’ll have a great time!

Cheers to you Valentine!

Cheers to you Valentine!

Give the Gift of Luxury Wine Club Membership

Enjoy local wine when where and with whom you want with a special wine club membership from Tierra de Lobos. 

Two tiers of membership are available:

Valiente Club

Wolves are fearless creatures. Regardless of the situation, they don't let anyone intimidate them. If you are highly courageous and stay unique to yourself, then you are truly a wolf. This club is for those wolves that don't let anyone tell them what to drink, because you get to choose your own wines.

  • 6 Bottles 3x/Year (member chooses wines)

  • 20% OFF Wine

  • 30% OFF Case Purchase

  • 20% OFF Tasting Room Rental

  • Free tastings for member + 3 guests (4 total)

  • $25 Sign-Up Fee includes 2 Logo Glasses

Silvestre Club

Wolves are wild and free-spirited. If you live your life on your own terms without letting others interfere, then you are one of us. This club is for those that are happy and able to adapt to whatever life throws at them and know they'll enjoy anything that comes from Tierra De Lobos.

  • 4 Bottles 3x/Year (winery chooses wine, customer may substitute 1 wine)

  • $70 Billed Automatically Every Pick-Up Month (March, July & October)

  • 20% OFF Wine

  • Free tastings for member + 1 guest (2 total)

  • $25 Sign-Up Fee Includes 2 Logo Glasses

Pick-up months are: March, July & October.
Both options include:

  • Exclusive invitation to members-only events and pick-up parties.

  • Access to members-only wines.

Visit Tierra de Lobos at their tasting room in The Dalles OR to sign up or learn more and contact them here

Need a good last minute gift? 

Treat your Valentine to a hot glass of mulled wine! Tierra de Lobos mulled wine package for $23 comes with everything you need to make a fresh batch at home! Love is in the glass.

Treat your Valentine to a hot glass of mulled wine! Tierra de Lobos mulled wine package for $23 comes with everything you need to make a fresh batch at home! Love is in the glass.

Get a Mulled Wine Kit to take home! or Give Your Special Someone a Tierra de Lobos Gift Card and get 15% off your gift card purchase when you set the gift card amount at $20 or more.

About Tierra De Lobos

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Tierra De Lobos Winery is a small operation from Dallesport Washington with a tasting room in The Dalles Oregon. Their winery is a 500sqf converted garage and is operated by 2 wolves, Adolfo and Gabino, who aim to make wines as purely as possible with minimal intervention or additives and to treat the land with respect and refrain from using any chemicals or fungicides in their vineyard. In appreciation for all the love and support they receive from our customers all around Oregon and Washington, they also donate a portion of their net sales to different non-profit organizations on a monthly basis.

Interested in having your event or special advertised with CCC News?
Give us a call or email Tiffany Carr at

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Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

Local Hemp Company Plants 250 Trees for Forest Fire Recovery

Sammy’s Woodland Smokes, an LGBTQ owned, smokable CBD hemp company located in The Dalles, OR has planted 250 TREES to restore Oregon forests devastated by wildfire.

According to AmericanForest.Org 250 trees can provide the yearly oxygen supply for 125 people.

According to AmericanForest.Org 250 trees can provide the yearly oxygen supply for 125 people.

Sammy’s Woodland Smokes, an LGBTQ owned, smokable CBD hemp company located in The Dalles, OR has planted 250 TREES to restore forests in Oregon, Washington, and California, including those devastated by wildfire.

Pictured: Cole Goodwin, Executive Director of Sammy’s Woodland Smokes and Sammy Dog hanging out at The Dalles Skate Park. Sammy Dog is the inspiration behind Sammy’s Woodland Smokes. Goodwin said Sammy’s love of adventuring in the woods and her hip …

Pictured: Cole Goodwin, Executive Director of Sammy’s Woodland Smokes and Sammy Dog hanging out at The Dalles Skate Park. Sammy Dog is the inspiration behind Sammy’s Woodland Smokes. Goodwin said Sammy’s love of adventuring in the woods and her hip problems which have been dramatically improved through supplements, including the use of CBD inspired the creation of Sammy’s Woodland Smokes. “Sammy Dog inspires us to live a healthier lifestyle (including being nicotine free) and live close to the land,” said Goodwin.

The trees were planted through Sammy’s Woodland’s tree planting partnership with One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization focused on global reforestation, which brought in donations to plant over 10 million trees in 2020, nearly tripling the number of trees it planted in 2019. 

“We did our first tree planting for forest fire recovery in September and this month we have contributed the funds to plant 200 more trees in Oregon,” said Cole Goodwin, Executive Director and part business owner of Sammy’s Woodland

Every pack of Sammy’s sold contributes to reforestation efforts right here in the Pacific Northwest. 

“We couldn’t have planted these trees without the support of our customers and the efforts of One Tree Planted. We want to say thank you to One Tree Planted and to everyone who has supported us and our mission to provide an environmentally friendly, fast-acting CBD alternative to nicotine smoking products,” said Goodwin.

Contributed Photo. Sammy’s Woodland Smokes is hard at work smoking hemp and planting trees.

Contributed Photo. Sammy’s Woodland Smokes is hard at work smoking hemp and planting trees.

“250 trees might seem small compared to some big companies that are planting much more than that, but it still makes a big impact on the local level.” 250 mature trees can provide the yearly oxygen supply for 125 people.

“Our brand puts an emphasis on sustainability; we source our hemp from Oregon farmers, the filters in our smokes are 100% biodegradable, and a portion of proceeds from every pack sold go towards planting trees for healthy forests. We’ve made it a priority as a business to not only minimize and offset our carbon footprint, but to also give something back.”

Why Plant Trees?

Analysis shows that over 500,000 acres of Oregon forest cover has disappeared since 2000. That’s an area six times larger than the city of Portland and equal to more than half of Oregon’s designated state forests. 

Contributed photo. Oregon is home to many beautiful and iconic trees like Douglas Fir, Oregon White Oak, Ponderosa Pine, Western Red Ceder, Pacific Willow, Oregon Ash, Western Hemlock, Black Cottonwood and Big Leaf Maple.

Contributed photo. Oregon is home to many beautiful and iconic trees like Douglas Fir, Oregon White Oak, Ponderosa Pine, Western Red Ceder, Pacific Willow, Oregon Ash, Western Hemlock, Black Cottonwood and Big Leaf Maple.

“Deforestation is a big environmental, social, economic, and public health problem,” said Goodwin. “Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people worldwide, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. In short: we need trees, and if everyone can do their part to plant even a few trees every year, we will be on track to large scale reforestation.”

“We love the outdoors, especially our native forests here in Oregon and Washington, which have seen some really tough fire seasons over the last five years,” said Goodwin.

“We’re proud to be doing our part to make our home states beautiful and keep our forests healthy. These forests are an invaluable asset to our communities and to our planet. And we’re very proud to be partnered with an organization that aids in local and global reforestation efforts.”

“The earth is our home. We’re proud to make taking care of it a priority.”

About Sammy’s Woodland Smokes
Sammy’s Woodland was formed in October of 2020 and started sales in April of 2020. However, starting a smokable CBD hemp company right at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has had its challenges. 

Pictured: Shipping out customer’s orders and product samples to stores. SHOP NOW to order.

Pictured: Shipping out customer’s orders and product samples to stores. SHOP NOW to order.

“It’s been a tough road for us - starting a smokable CBD hemp company right at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic was definitely not part of the plan. We shut down in March because we just weren’t sure whether it was going to work. But we decided to keep going for it. We believe in our product and in our mission and it’s kept us going. So, in May we resumed sales and have kept on hustling every day since. We still have literally no idea what an open market even looks like as a small business. We’ve never operated in a non-pandemic impacted market. But the industry is growing, and we’ve managed to keep smiling and keep our heads above water... Which is pretty good for a business that’s still in its first nine months of sales,” adds Goodwin. “We definitely expect to see more growth both in the number of trees we plant and in profits when we get out this pandemic.”

Interested in selling Sammy’s in your store? Learn more and order HERE.

Interested in selling Sammy’s in your store? Learn more and order HERE.

Sammy’s are made with love.

“Sammy’s are made with love. We handpicked everything for this product. We chose the exact batch of hemp, which is grown here in Oregon. The papers, which are chemical-additive free, and the filters are biodegradable and don’t look like your average filter. People like that they can just throw their filters in their compost,” said Goodwin.

“We’re really pleased with the sales we’ve had and the feedback we’ve received. Overall it’s been really positive and has enabled us to plant trees right here in Oregon and Washington,” said Goodwin. “A lot of people say our product has helped them quit smoking and vaping nicotine which is amazing- I mean, just even the idea that we can compete with such an addictive product is wild. Others have told us that they like our product because CBD topicals and tinctures don’t work for them but smoking our product does. Smoking hemp allows CBD to enter the bloodstream almost instantly so it’s very fast-acting.”

Sammy’s won’t get you high.

Sammy’s Woodland Smokes won’t get you high as they contain hemp that is high in CBD but contains negligible amounts of THC, which is the compound found in marijuana that results in a ‘high’. 

“People really like that they can smoke it and not get high. Our product has less than 0.16% THC in it which is the lowest I’ve seen in U.S. smokable CBD products. People also like that our smokes completely natural hemp and chemical additive free,” said Goodwin.

Sammy’s Woodland Dreams Big

“Our goal is to plant 1 Billion Trees,” Goodwin laughed. “I don’t know; it’s quite a lot, really, but 250 is a good start. What can I say? We want to have a positive impact on our community and the world, so we might as well dream big.”

Buy Sammy’s Locally at

Steamtrain Glass in The Dalles
Pype’s Palace in Hood River

Or Online at

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