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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Request made to divide property on E. 14th, TD, into three lots

Request made to divide property on E. 14th, TD, into three lots

Location map

Location map

From The Dalles Community Development Department:


Notice is hereby given that an application for Administrative Action has been received by The Dalles Community Development Department. The City of The Dalles Community Development Director will make an Administrative Decision on the request stated below.

You are entitled to comment for or against the proposal by submitting a written statement to the Community Development Department, City of The Dalles, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 by the due date shown. COMMENTS DUE BY: October 6, 2020

APPLICANT(S): Billy and Diana Portwood LANDOWNER(S): Billy and Diana Portwood

APPLICATION NUMBER: MIP 381-20 REQUEST: Requesting approval to partition an existing 17,755 SF property into three parcels of 10,961 SF, 2,954 SF and 3,840 SF respectively. LOCATION: Property is located at 2323 E. 14th Street and is further described as 1N 13E 2 DC tax lot 7300. Property is zoned High Density Residential (RH).

REVIEW CRITERIA: The City of The Dalles Comprehensive Land Use Plan, City of The Dalles Municipal Code Title 10 Land Use and Development; Article 9.030 – Partitions, Minor Replats, and Lot Line Adjustments, and Article 5.020 RL – High Density Residential District.


1. Written comments for or against the proposal will be accepted for 14 days from the date this notice is mailed and are due by 5:00 p.m., October 6, 2020, in the Community Development Department, City of The Dalles, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, OR 97058.

2. Failure to raise an issue in writing within the comment period, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes further appeal on that issue.

3. Copies of all review criteria and evidence relied upon by the decision maker or evidence provided by the applicant are available for free review or may be purchased at the Community Development Department, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. CITY of THE DALLES 313 COURT STREET THE DALLES, OREGON 97058 (541) 296-5481 ext. 1125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT


1. An application is received, decision date set, and notice mailed to property owners within 100 feet of the subject property.

2. All affected City departments and other agencies are asked to comment.

3. All timely comments and the application are weighed against the approval criteria in a staff report.

4. The provisions of The Dalles Municipal Code, Title 10 Land Use and Development, and the City of The Dalles Comprehensive Plan must be met.

5. A decision is reached by the Director based on the Findings of Fact in the staff report.

6. Parties of Record (notified property owners, affected public agencies, and other parties who make timely comment) will receive a Notice of Decision.

7. Aggrieved parties may appeal an Administrative Decision to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date a notice of Decision is mailed, subject to the requirements for appeal procedures. Please direct any questions to Joshua Chandler, Associate Planner, Community Development Department, at (541) 296-5481, ext. 1121 or email jchandler@ci.the-dalles.or.us.

The Ruins Part 2: Memories Flood Curtiss on Brewery Grade

The Ruins Part 2: Memories Flood Curtiss on Brewery Grade

Get Your Leaves Drone. Happy First Day of Fall!

Get Your Leaves Drone. Happy First Day of Fall!

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