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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Update on The Ruins - The Mystery of SC

Update on The Ruins - The Mystery of SC

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The Ruins: News Update from facebook and Friends

Dianne Espy informed CCC News that her friend, Steve Curtiss, was the gentleman who carved his initials into the stone foundation. Look for an updated story on Monday once we get the chance to sit down and chat with Steve. Many folks on facebook also had the following interesting facts to add about the ruins. 

-Johnny Culley “In the 70’s there was a dark haired heavy mustached guy living there. I believe he worked on the RR. Nice guy and drove a vintage truck.”

-Dianne EspyI believe you are referring to a friend of mine, whose initials are S.C. I know he lived there for awhile and he has a handlebar mustache. He might be the one who did that concrete. I am waiting to hear back from him about this.”

-Robert Slaughteryes s.c. lived there in the 80s when I was a kid helped move him out when it flooded, last I knew he worked at one of the retirement homes, and worked at the Aluminum plant when it flooded.”

Jim Roberts “From the photo it appears to be about 100 yards up the grade from the base (where it was in the 50's). As children, we used to pick peaches from the tree, on our way back from the free show at the Granada theater. This was from 1949 to 1952.”

Judy BaneI was told that my uncle and his first wife lived in this house for a while, probably in the 40's. Maybe he was working for the railroad.”

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Sorosis Park Taken-Over By Beetle

Sorosis Park Taken-Over By Beetle

Pinto's Pride is homemade

Pinto's Pride is homemade

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