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TDHS and Innovations Academy Hold Resilience Rally for Teen Mental Health

TDHS and Innovations Academy Hold Resilience Rally for Teen Mental Health

From North Wasco County School District 21:

The Dalles, Ore, June 7, 2024 – Over 250 students from North Wasco County School District (both TDHS and Innovations Academy), grades 9-12, gathered together for an event focused on mental health, wellness, and resilience on June 4th.

“It has been a really tough year (or few years) and we are seeing the impact in our current adolescent populations,” said Stephanie Bowen, Communications Director for NWCSD21.

In response to this, Mid-Columbia Center for Living and North Wasco County Schools (NWCSCD21) partnered together to host a Resilience Rally.

“Our hope is to acknowledge and honor the resilience we, as an entire community, have presented during these difficult times and connect our students with much needed support and resources,” said Bowen.

Throughout the day, students participated in various wellness activities and field day games - plus snacks and prizes - designed to promote mental well-being, build resilience, and to just have fun. Booths were facilitated by Mid-Columbia Center for Living and other community partners such as, the YES House, Columbia Gorge ESD, ODHS, and North Central Public Health.

There was also a wide range of activities from arts and meditation spaces to “minute to win-it” games and shooting baskets. Local law enforcement and Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue also participated in the three-legged race and tug-of-war events.

Students were able to blow off steam with fun games; but they also had the opportunity to connect with local health and mental health resources thanks to the event.

“Our hope is that students who left the event know that there are supports, and people, in our community that care; particularly those who may be struggling. That they know where, and who, to turn to, if they need help,” said Bowen.

The response to the event, both from community partners, and students was extremely positive with and garnered lots of support for hosting the event annually.

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