Gas pipe work started between Bingen and White Salmon; traffic impacted

From Northwest Natural Gas:




To ensure consistent service to our valued customers and meet future growth in the area, Northwest Natural is planning a 1.5-mile, 8-inch pipe system project from Bingen to White Salmon, Washington. NW Natural anticipates traffic impacts in the nearby area. Traffic updates will be provided throughout the project.


Phase 1 begins August 2, at Ash Street & W. Humboldt Street in Bingen, to the intersection of E. Jewett Blvd (WA 141) and Dock Grade Road in White Salmon. Phase 2, slated to start in mid-September, is from the intersection of E. Jewett Blvd and Dock Grade Road to the intersection of NE Tohomish Street and N. Main Avenue in White Salmon. Please proceed with caution in this area during these construction times and observe all temporary traffic control devices. Thank you for your patience.


August – October 2021. Construction with flaggers directing traffic is anticipated between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

Current closures through August 10: During construction hours, Ash Street will become one lane between W. Humboldt St and Oak St. Flaggers will direct traffic. The cross streets of Franklin, W. Humboldt, and Jefferson Streets are closed between Alder to Oak St. The roads are open to local traffic only.

Questions may be directed to Tonya Brumley, NW Natural community liaison, 503-610-7954. 


About NW Natural 

NW Natural provides natural gas service to approximately 2.5 million people in more than 140 communities through more than 770,000 meters in Oregon and Southwest Washington with one of the most modern pipeline systems in the nation. It consistently leads the industry with high J.D. Power & Associates customer satisfaction scores. NW Natural is part of Northwest Natural Holding Company, (NYSE: NWN) (NW Natural Holdings), which is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, and owns NW Natural, NW Natural Water Company, and other business interests and activities. Additional information is available at