Zaugg Lives for Free Elections, Transparency; And Yes, She's a Girl Scout

Wasco County Chief Deputy Clerk Chrissy Zaugg

Wasco County Chief Deputy Clerk Chrissy Zaugg

By Tom Peterson

Wasco County’s Chrissy Zaugg’s work with Girl Scouts of America brought big accolades earlier this week as Secretary of State Shemia Fagan pointed out her dedication to providing education and transparency in last year’s November election.

“As Oregon’s Secretary of State, and a member of the National Association of Secretary of States (NASS), it is my honor and privilege to select a recipient of the first annual John Lewis Youth Leadership Award and five recipients of the annual NASS Medallion Award here in Oregon,” Fagan said.

“You were selected for this award as a Girl Scouts leader in The Dalles and as Wasco County’s Chief Deputy Clerk, for your creativity and resourcefulness in the pursuit of transparency in the democratic process.,” Fagan wrote in a letter to announcing the award.

“Chrissy Zaugg and her two daughters Ella and Aralyn transformed their Girl Scouts elections and civics event into a fabulous video called “Path of the Ballot”.

Earlier today, Aug. 25, Zaugg said she was surprised by the award.

But she was emphatic about the election process.

“It’s what runs our country, our state and local governments. It’s how citizens can get involved at the local level. It is really important to be involved.”

Zaugg said The Girls Scouts Council had organized Path of the Ballot events for years in Oregon and southwest Washington, but it had not been done in Wasco County.

She reached out to County Clerk Lisa Gambee who quickly agreed to it.

But the COVID outbreak canceled the program, so Zaugg instead of staying “bummed” convinced Gambee and her Girl Scouts to make a video about the election and transparency.

Her daughters, who were ages 8 and 11, at the time, helped make the video, reading the script, editing and adding music. Then they shared it with their counterparts via YouTube. To watch it, click below.

Fagan said the video “provided much-wanted transparency on the elections process, and received rave reviews from local political parties and citizens across the county!”

“Congratulations! I know you do not do this work for recognition or awards, but you deserve to celebrate and be celebrated for your incredible contribution to the people of Oregon. For myself and on behalf of the National Association of Secretaries of State, thank you,” Fagan said.