City of Hood River seeks input on multiple projects

The City of Hood River has three projects for which it’s currently seeking public input: its Transportation System Plan (TSP) Amendment, Safe Routes to School projects, and a Heights Urban Renewals streetscape plan. To make it easier for the community to offer input, the City has created a centralized input webpage at and invites feedback from the community.


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  • Transportation System Plan Amendment 

The City is taking public comments on proposed changes to its TSP Plan, a vision and guide for future multi-modal transportation investments. A virtual open house is now open and will receive feedback through February 28th. Materials are available in English and Spanish.
Visit to participate.

  • Safe Routes to School 

The City of Hood River is improving its Safe Routes to School (SRTS) system to help students and families get to school safely. Input is invited (in English and Spanish) from February 18th to March 17th with an interactive map available at The SRTS Plan is being developed with assistance from ODOT and many partners. By sharing feedback respondents will be entered to win a walking or biking safety pack, valued at $50.

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  • The Heights Urban Renewal 

The Heights Urban Renewal Agency (URA) is developing a plan for Heights streetscape and engineering projects based on public input. A community survey link will be launched at the end of February to add further public input and will be available at

City of Hood River

The City of Hood River’s mission is to provide essential services at the lowest possible cost to continually enhance the quality of life in Hood River. The City of Hood River incorporated in 1895, is located at the confluence of the Hood River and the Columbia River, about 30 miles north of Mt. Hood, Oregon’s tallest peak. It is 60 miles east of Portland, Oregon’s largest city. Total area of the City is 3.4 square miles, with a year-round population of 8,000.