Lady Rangers Win First Golf Tournament of Inaugural Season

The Dufur Rangers are now winning in Golf too.

The Dufur Rangers are now winning in Golf too.

From Dufur High School:

By Golf Coach Travis Kane, PGA

This past Friday, April 23rd, 2021, Dufur High School participated in their first-ever golf event, the Imbler Invite at Buffalo Peak Golf Course. 7 schools competed Dufur, Nixya’awii, Enterprise, Vale, Wallowa, Heppner, Echo

The Rangers’ inaugural season started off with a bang as the Lady Rangers won the team event with a team score of 429.  Lead by Tora Timinsky (76), who finished with the individual medalist honor and Nellie Wilkinson (102) second place along with (Piper Neal 5th place), Molly Cochenour (8th place), Hannah Kortge (10th Place) and Audrey Anderson (T-11th place). 

The Ranger Men Team completed in the individual event with Alex Barrett (T-20th place), Tyson Byers (22nd Place) and Konner Donovan (33rd Place).

Here are the complete results.