Check the status of your election ballot here

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The Nov. 3, 2020, General Election is 20 days away, and in the next few days, Oregonians will start seeing ballots arriving in their mailboxes.

You can check the status of your ballot at the Oregon Secretary of State’s website by clicking here.

“Everything is going smoothly, “ said Andrea Chiapella, a spokesperson with the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office. “We have 2.9 million people registered to vote now. It’s interesting because that is up 100,000 from August. The national voter registration day in September must have helped.”

Voter’s pamphlets containing candidate information as well as explanations on measures are available online in Spanish, English and even digital audio versions, she said. Click here. You can also get additional information at the Oregon Secretary of State’s election page

Here are your key election dates:

  • Ballots start mailing out Oct. 14th

  • Last day to mail in Ballots Oct. 27th

  • Election Day is Nov. 3rd