Forest Service to Conduct Prescribed Burns in the Columbia River Gorge

Pictured: Fire traffic ahead sign on Courtney Road between Lyle and White Salmon, WA on October 7th, 2020 10:00 AM.

Pictured: Fire traffic ahead sign on Courtney Road between Lyle and White Salmon, WA on October 7th, 2020 10:00 AM.

The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Forest Service (CRGNSA) has announced that  it will be conducting several prescribed burns in the Courtney Road and Tracy Hill area between Lyle and Bingen in Klickitat County, Washington.

Prescribed burns help remove excess fuel (downed branches, logs, dense brush) from the forest as a way to minimize potential for large wildfires and improve the overall health of ecosystems. 

“Exact dates will depend on weather and moisture conditions that best allow the appropriate level of burn intensity, and smoke management while ensuring we have a well-controlled burn,” said Roland Rose, a Fire Fuels Planner with the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. “The large scale wildfires our region has experienced this season validate the need for fuel treatment projects such as this.”

Smoke will likely be visible on SR 14 and I-84 during the burns. The USDA recommended in their announcement that motorists reduce speed and turn on their headlights when smoke is present.

Once dates are decided, details will be posted on the CRGNSA Facebook page and on their Twitter. Those with asthma can call to request advanced notice by calling the National Scenic Area Office at 541-308-1700.

Pictured: Posted map showing prescribed burn areas.

Pictured: Posted map showing prescribed burn areas.

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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