New Air Quality Monitors in TD give 'Very Unhealthy' rating with smoke from wildfires
The Air Quality Index is currently showing 290 in The Dalles as smoke from fires in Washington and Canada continues to obscure local skies. That falls into the ‘very unhealthy’ rating and can be problematic for those with asthma, lung or heart conditions. A partnership between D21 and OSU Extension is now giving real-time air quality ratings in TD.
Sewer pipes will be smoking in HR this week; there will be an odor
The city of HR will be blowing smoke this week. Right in the old sewer pipes. They will be looking for defects and smoke helps detect them. It’s set to occur on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 12 & 13. Take a look at the map. Maybe they're blowing smoke in your neighborhood. Oh, and you might notice an odor.
USFS Controlled Burns Continue in The Gorge Today
The Forest Service in collaboration with Oregon Department of Forestry and Washington Department of Natural Resources will continue with controlled burn efforts today in area of Courtney Road between Lyle and Bingen. Crews spent the last two days working in the Catherine Creek and Courtney road areas to create fuel line breaks to prevent large forest fires and to restore Oregon White Oak habitat.
Forest Service to Conduct Prescribed Burns in the Columbia River Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Forest Service (CRGNSA) has announced that it will be conducting several prescribed burns in the Courtney Road and Tracy Hill area between Lyle and Bingen in Klickitat County, Washington.