Gorge Transit Providers Announce Summer Service Expansion and Changes

by Columbia Area Transit

Hood River, OR— Gorge Translink providers Columbia Area Transit (CAT) and The Link have announced that they are expanding service, starting new service, and adjusting current service to better meet the needs of the community.

Columbia Gorge Express

The Columbia Gorge Express increased service to Portland from Hood River from 7 to 10 trips a day 7 days a week starting on June 7th.

The Columbia Gorge Express is an easy way to get to and from PDX without driving or worrying about parking! A quick transfer is required at Gateway Transit center to TriMet services to get to the airport.

Access Multnomah Falls by hopping on the Columbia Gorge Express. Timed Use Permit automatically included with fare. No reservations are needed when you arrive by transit.

Summer Weekend White Salmon Service

The Summer White Salmon service will begin July 1st and operates 6 trips per day between Hood River, Bingen and White Salmon on weekends and holidays through Labor Day September 4th, 2023. Combined with the regular weekday service operated by Mt. Adam’s Transportation Service (MATS), you can now travel to and from White Salmon/Bingen every day of the week.

The Link (Wasco County)

The Dalles Hood River Connect—On July 1st The Link will be operating the service between Hood River, Mosier, and The Dalles. This service is currently operated by CAT. The new service will make it even easier to go between Portland and The Dalles.

Sunday Service

Starting July 1 st, The Link will now offer a Dial-a-Ride service on Sunday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Call 24 hours in advance to book your trip. Cost per trip $2.00, Gorge Pass not valid on Dial-a-Ride. The new service hours will be Monday-Friday, 6:00 am to 7:00pm, Saturdays and Sunday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Office hours will remain the same. For more details visit mcedd.org/LINK.

Frequent riders are encouraged to consider the GOrge Pass, which offers unlimited travel on the Columbia Gorge Express for $40/adult & $20 for Children under 17. All buses include bike racks. Visit www.gorgepass.com/bikes for a list of rides available from the different transit stops in the Gorge. The website also features trip ideas including hiking trails, waterfronts, restaurants, and ice cream that you can find in each of the towns of the Gorge. 

For comments, questions, or concerns please call (541) 386-4202 or email info@ridecatbus.org


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