Gorge Youth Mentoring & Studio Fit The Dalles get Zumba

Wasco County match, Jan & Carla, checking out White River Falls on one of their outings!

Gorge Youth Mentoring (G.Y.M.), a program of The Next Door, will benefit from StudioFit’s community Zumba class taking place at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday during June and July.

Hannah Mapes of StudioFit was previously a mentor herself, so she jumped on the opportunity to help support the program through the community Zumba class. There is a suggested $8 donation per class, and all proceeds raised will benefit G.Y.M.

Gorge Youth Mentoring provides youth ages 6 to 21 with one-to-one mentoring relationships with adult volunteers in Wasco, Hood River, and Klickitat Counties. Mentors and youth plan their own activities, meeting at least twice a month for a year or more. Program staff provide consistent support for the youth and mentors, organize match events, and are available for ongoing guidance.

Mentoring relationships are needed now more than ever, as youth in our communities have faced many challenges over the past 2 years. Mentoring programs are an effective tool for preventing negative outcomes and boosting resilience among youth, and G.Y.M. is looking for adults interested in volunteering!

For more information on how to get involved, contact Kateel Muhs, Program Supervisor at 503-867-5770 or gym@nextdoorinc.org.

The Next Door

Our Mission

Opening doors to new possibilities by strengthening children and families and improving communities.

We envision a supportive community where all children and families are safe, healthy, and valued.

Nuestra Misión
Abrir puertas a nuevas posibilidades al apoyar a niños y familias y además fortalecer comunidades.

Soñamos con una comunidad de apoyo donde todos los niños y las familias se sienten seguros, sanos y valorados.
