Sound Good to Feel Good: Johnson, Williams Play Zim’s in TD Friday, Feb. 7

The Dynamic Duo of Kerry Williams and Victor Johnson have been performing the Gorge together for over 25 years and their next gig is set for Zim’s Sports Bar and Grill, 604. E. 2nd Street in TD.

Expect some “Phat acoustic guitar rhythms and masterful mandolin.” 

Kerry and Victor cover a lot of ground musically and bring good energy. Americana, Pop, Jazz, Old Time, Western Swing, Irish, Samba and more are all on the table. Be prepared to hear anything that feels and sounds good. As they push the envelope, you might hear an occasional train wreck too. That’s where the magic lives. 

Kerry Williams- a son of a coal miner who grew up in rural Pennsylvania fishing, hunting and picking on stringed instruments. After winning the Gong Show with his pal Barry, Kerry came to Hood River. Working as a mild mannered engineer at the local phone company, he honed his music abilities with his compatriot and legendary gorge musician Rick Hulett. Kerry now operates from his secret workshop in a remote area of Mt. Hood coming off the mountain when music calls. 

Victor Johnson comes from a family that homesteaded in Wasco Co. Raised by hippies and rednecks on a quasi music commune, he grew up on American folk and blues music. He dodged a domestic bio terrorism attack and left home to travel the world seeking the meaning of life, adventure and exotic rhythms with his faithful six string.  

Upon returning home, Victor accidentally became a micro star in the kids music world and began restoring historic buildings. When not playing music, he serves tea and coffee at his modest shop and dreams of having a farm with an old barn for dances.