Love 'em, Hate 'em: TD Shoppers Sound Off on the Return of Mask Mandates

Guadalupe Avalos and Pablo Avalos took part in the CCCNews poll about mask mandates.

“Actually I like it. I feel a little safe. They said people who were vaccinated could be unmasked- but you don’t know who really was or not. So, I feel safer with the mask. My son has lung problems. He only has one lung, so for me, I prefer to be safe,” said Guadalupe Avalos.

Mask mandates are back in Oregon.

Oregon state guidance has said that Oregonians must wear masks or face coverings in indoor public settings such as grocery stores. The state also announced that it would be requiring state employees to be vaccinated by October 18th (with some exceptions).

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown reinstated mask mandates in Oregon in response to a record-breaking spike in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations fueled by the highly contagious Delta variant. Over 4,390 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Oregon between August 13th and August 15th. In Oregon 838 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19, of which 222 are in intensive care units.

A Quick Look at Local COVID-19 News

The return of mask mandates isn’t the only COVID-19 news to break this week.

Mid-Columbia Medical Center staff released a video on Friday saying the hospital was working around the clock to free up beds for the large influx of COVID-19 patients. In another video, Wasco County Commissioner and Registered Nurse Kathy Schwartz, talked about the Delta variant.

In Wasco County, there have been 145 new cases of COVID reported in Wasco County since the 8th of August. Six COVID-19 deaths were reported in Wasco and Gilliam counties in the past ten days. In Gilliam County, there have been 2 reported COVID cases, and Sherman County has reported 7 cases since Aug. 8.

North Central Public Health District reported that they have vaccinated nearly 15,962 people in total. In Wasco County, 66 percent of those 18 and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Sherman County is at 56.9 percent and Gilliam County is at 44.4 percent vaccination.

Washington residents are also seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases with over 7,500 new cases reported and a seven-day average of over 2,700 cases. Klickitat County reported 66 active cases on August 17th.

Washington has also returned to requiring masks be worn indoors in public spaces.

The Dalles Shoppers Respond to the Return of Mask Mandates

CCCNews polled shoppers in front of Safeway, Fred Meyer, and Grocery Outlet about how they feel about mask mandates being reinstated, spending about ten to fifteen minutes standing outside each store.

“I don’t like it, but what you going to do?” -Anonymous.

“I don’t like wearing them. I like breathing,” said Larry Conner.

“I don’t like wearing them. I like breathing,” said Larry Conner.

“I think they suck. I only do it out of respect for others that are in fear.” -Anonymous.

“I wish they were effective- like I wouldn’t mind if I thought they were effective, but, unfortunately, I think we passed the point of them being effective and the vaccines are better,” - Elizabeth. 

“Hate it. But it is what it is I guess. I have to wear this at work all day, and then I have to do it while I go shopping. We’re all vaccinated, but we still have to wear masks,” said Ulyssa Sanchez.

“I think it’s ridiculous. I think we should all get a choice, but it just seems like we don’t get one,” said Lupita Castillo.

“I think it’s ridiculous. I think we should all get a choice, but it just seems like we don’t get one,” said Lupita Castillo.

“I think it’s a good idea. I mean with the COVID Delta variants, even though you’re vaccinated you can still have COVID and spread it to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated. So, I mean everyone should get vaccinated if they can,” said Yanellie. “I’m a nurse. So, I see people getting much sicker this round, and young people too. So, I just want to encourage people to get vaccinated. I know it’s very uncomfortable for people because it’s new. But we’re seeing people dying. I mean the mask is annoying, but it’s either that or getting sick or getting your family sick.”

“My son likes the masks, he has anxiety. But I don’t like them. I have allergies. It would be nice if it was a choice. But some people really like it because they have social anxiety, and it’s a way for them to not have to interact as much.” - Anonymous.

“I don’t mind wearing the mask, but I don’t think people should be made to wear the mask, “ (against their will) said Michael Macnaughton, age 64. 

“I don’t mind wearing the mask, but I don’t think people should be made to wear the mask, “ (against their will) said Michael Macnaughton, age 64. 

“It’s fine with me.” -Anonymous.

“It’s the reality, unfortunately, we don’t have enough vaccination rates, so we have to do what we can,” said Iris Tang, 36. 

“I don’t like them but I’d rather have them than not.” -Anonymous.

“It’s great. It is effective and it saves lives.” - Anonymous.

“It kind of just is what it is. I feel like we’ve just been doing it for such a long time, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to go back to it. I know there’s going to be variables coming out with the coronavirus; it’s unpredictable,” said Brandy Greathouse. 

“It kind of just is what it is. I feel like we’ve just been doing it for such a long time, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to go back to it. I know there’s going to be variables coming out with the coronavirus; it’s unpredictable,” said Brandy Greathouse. 

“I’m not really surprised by any means. I didn’t think they would come back so soon being that it’s still summer. I personally don’t feel safer. I still kind of follow the rhetoric that came in the beginning, and I think social distancing helps more than anything,” said Ashley. 

“They’re dumb, we won’t comply again.” -Anonymous.

“I don’t mind it. Whatever to not get COVID right?” said Ashlyn Jones, 16. 

“It’s okay because we're protecting other people, you know, it’s not just ourselves. But if I go into the store, sometimes there’s a lot of people without masks on, so I don’t know if it’s a mandate or not. You can’t control people I guess.” -Anonymous.

“I’m neutral. I’m like ‘whatever’ at this point. I just kept wearing the mask. I’m not sure they do anything, but maybe- so why not?” said Catherine. 

Stacy Jenkins coordinated her mask with her shopping bag today. “I think if it keeps us keeping everything else open I’m for it. If it keeps us, you know, out of our houses and living! If it keeps the days rolling, I’m for them. I think it’s hard for people to get rid of them and have them come back,” said Stacey Jenkins. 

Stacy Jenkins coordinated her mask with her shopping bag today. “I think if it keeps us keeping everything else open I’m for it. If it keeps us, you know, out of our houses and living! If it keeps the days rolling, I’m for them. I think it’s hard for people to get rid of them and have them come back,” said Stacey Jenkins. 

“We hate it. It’s the worst.” -Anonymous.

“Personally I think we wouldn’t have them back if she hadn’t taken them away in the first place,” said John. 

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.