Movie Review: Evil Dead Rise 'Magnificently demented'

Moving Pictures by Mo Burford:

Evil Dead Rise, Lee Cronin, 2023

Let me be upfront: If you’re squeamish about gore, if you’re upset by the thought of seeing your protagonists drenched head to toe in blood, or if you’re incurious about the more creative uses of a chainsaw, Evil Dead Rise is not the movie for you. (Instead, check back soon for the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 review!). 

Ok, so if you’re still here, welcome fellow groovy horror fans! As I’ve mentioned before, I am a bit of a horror-head, and part of loving horror is loving gore. (Side note: this is not entirely true, as my partner, for instance, has a preference towards psychological horror and exorcisms; but let’s just say the Venn diagram overlaps.) But I want to take a moment to publicly come out as a gore enthusiast. It’s something I’m a bit hesitant to announce, but it feels like it’s time. There’s a scene in Child’s Play 2 where Chucky is basically dismembered, melted and then his head blows up. It’s so gross; it’s one of my favorite things. 

But back to the review. Directed by Lee Cronin, Evil Dead Rise is the spiritual reboot of the classic Sam Raimi movie Evil Dead 2, only this time the story is about a possessed mother and the family that tries to escape the evil spirits that have taken her over. Cronin, a relative newcomer on the horror scene, ably directs the film, which pays homage not only to Raimi’s frenetic camera movements but other classic horror films as well, including an incredible homage to The Shining. The cast is also pitch-perfect, with standout performances by Lily Sullivan as Beth and Nell Fisher as Kassie, both of whom go from wide-eyed innocents to blood-drenched heroines by the end. 

This is all an elaborate way of saying, I was the prime audience for Evil Dead Rise, and it did not disappoint. This movie is gross. It is a bloody mess. My jaw dropped repeatedly, as in, it actually fell open! I grasped the sides of my face on multiple occasions, and I had to stop myself from looking away. Evil Dead Rise is magnificently demented. 

Evil Dead Rise (2023)


(four stars)

Evil Dead Rise is now playing at Columbia Cinema and Hood River Cinema. 

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Mo Burford

Mo Burford (he/him) lives and writes in The Dalles, where he shares a small blue house with his partner and two manipulative cats. When he’s not watching movies, he can be found running and hiking throughout the gorge or serving as Assistant Director at the Hood River County Library.