National Clothing Store headed for Staples in TD

Milt Lamping leaves Staples this afternoon with a several boxes to help his mother-in-law move. The former Klickitat, Wash. resident said he was excited to hear news of a new retailer coming to The Dalles.

By Tom Peterson

The Dalles Ore., March 11, 2025 — Owners and operators of the Staples building in The Dalles say the store building will not be empty long. 

Darren Dickerhoof

“We do have a tenant about to sign a lease but I am not able to talk about it yet,” said Darren Dickerhoof, Manager of Riviera Enterprises LLC and Dickerhoof Properties based in Corvallis. “It’s a national clothing chain that I think the town will like.”

Dickerhoof said the company signing the lease hopes to be into the building and operating by the upcoming holiday shopping season. 

“We will redo the facade and work on the interior of the building,” he said. “It will be awesome for… the town.  We’ll be building on the front of Staples to give it its own identity that will make it look nicer.” 

Dickerhoof said the former Staples provided a great location, noting there was no major national clothing chain stores between Troutdale  and Hermiston and The Dalles is the shopping hub for the Mid-Columbia. 

“When we get a lease signed, we will be able to make it public information,” he said on Tuesday, March 11. “There will probably be building plans that will go to the city within a month or two.”

Dickerhoof Properties also manages the Petco, The Dalles Liquor Store, Big 5, Wheatland and Verizon building properties. 

The properties have all been held by Riviera Enterprises LLC since 2007. 

In total Riviera has 4.4 acres next to Safeway with total real market value for the acreage and buildings appraised at $9.7 million, according to Wasco County Tax records. 

Staples last day of operation is set for March 21.