D21 on Schedule to Re-Open for In-Person Learning

Pictured: Lowry Browning teaching at The Dalles High School.

North Wasco County School District 21 announced in a press release today that it is on schedule to resume in-person learning for Kindergarten & 6th grade on Monday, March 15th.

Kindergartens and 6th grade will be the first to return to in-person learning. This will give kindergarteners who are attending school for the first time, and 6th graders who will be setting foot in the middle school for the first time, a little additional time to get used to building and classroom changes before the other grades return to in-person learning later in the month.

Return To In-Person Learning Schedule

March 15th - Kindergarten & 6th start in-person. (9th -12th shortened instruction day/teachers move classrooms)
March 16th - (9th-12th grades shortened instruction day/teachers move classrooms.)
March 18th - 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th & 9th will start in-person.
March 29th - 3rd, 5th & 10th -12th will start in-person.

Until the grade level is in-person, CDL will remain available. For Hybrid and North Wasco Virtual Academy Schedules and important details in English and Spanish click HERE.

Back to School Safety

Students will be returning to school buildings which means there will be increased foot traffic and car traffic flow around North Wasco County School District buildings. D21 has asked the community to please be aware and cautious of students walking to and from school, increased traffic and frequent stops by school buses.

”We ask for patience and understanding, especially with our buses, as staff will be screening each student as required by our safety protocols,” said the NWASCO School District 21 press release. “Thank you for your patience and extra care when driving near our schools, along bus routes and when children are present.”

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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