Riverside Community Church In HR celebrates Christmas week

From Riverside Community Church:

Dec. 19, 2022, Hood River – Christmas week at Riverside Community Church, United Church of Christ in Hood River begins with a Thursday Longest Night campfire and ends with a Christmas Day worship service. Here are the details:

Thursday, Dec. 22, 5 p.m.: Longest Night campfire service at the home of the Vogels, 1105 Methodist Road, Hood River. Poetry and music. All ages and all faiths are welcome.

Friday, Dec. 23, Noon: Free Advent Concert in the Riverside sanctuary, featuring Charles Crosman, jazz guitarist.

Saturday, Dec. 24, 7 p.m.: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, all ages welcome. Choir and visiting musicians. Cookies and cider afterward.

Sunday, Dec. 25, 10:30 a.m.: Christmas Day worship service.