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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Rollin', Strollin', Heart Rate Goin'

Rollin', Strollin', Heart Rate Goin'

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Robert Wells-Clark, 34, and his daughter Isla got rolling on Riverfront Trail despite a small squall that came in this morning, Monday, Feb. 8. Forecasters are calling for colder temperatures at the end of the week with the low on Friday at 11 degrees. Throw in some precipitation, and we might have some flakes arrive. Remember February 2018, or maybe you’re still trying to forget. We had 27 inches of snow that month, causing snow mold in some wheat fields. It’s been so mild this winter with the only real snow accumulation coming on Christmas Day, you gotta wonder if we should put the snow shovels away?


The Dalles own prognosticator Nuts-Are-Too-Scrawny Bill showed up at the CCCNews headquarters this morning with his own slant on things. The squirrel said that East Coast rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, got it wrong this year with six more weeks of winter.

“And what does Pennsylvania know about the PNW, anyway,” he said. “This latest cold snap, if it even materializes, will be it for the season, and people can expect to be in tee shirts by St. Patrick’s Day. Then he said, “Did you see where my nuts went. I swore I put them over here. But then, maybe they’re across the street. Hmm…” Photo by our own Tiffany Carr-Ford

Ask 'Why?' of Your Resolutions; Keep Chipping Away

Ask 'Why?' of Your Resolutions; Keep Chipping Away

Steelheading and the art of when?

Steelheading and the art of when?

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