The One Less Traveled By

The Road Less Traveled.JPG

Skiffs of snow laid bare the travel of a few intrepid souls on Skyline Road in The Dalles on Thursday Morning, Jan. 21. I think American Poet Robert Frost would have approved. Heavy fog and a few flakes gave the ridge an eerie appeal. Similar flakes could make their way down the hill some on Sunday this weekend as forecasters are calling for temps in the 20s combined with precipitation in The Dalles. However, they are calling for sun tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 23, with a high of 44 and a 4 percent chance of precipitation.

Adam Munsen with Wasco County Public Works flags on Thursday, Jan. 21, while ditches were cleared on Skyline Road. It was a good morning for rain gear.

Adam Munsen with Wasco County Public Works flags on Thursday, Jan. 21, while ditches were cleared on Skyline Road. It was a good morning for rain gear.


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