TD Council to make decisions on how to spend $1.74 million

Photo Coutesy All Together The Dalles

Photo Coutesy All Together The Dalles

The Dalles City Council is set to decide on how to spend $1.74 million in federal dollars coming from the American Rescue Plan tonight, Monday, Sept. 13. 

The meeting is set to start at 5:30 p.m. and will be on ZOOM. Here is the link

Meeting ID: 931 6085 1764 

Passcode: 216856 

Dial +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833

CCCNews will also broadcast the meeting live via its Facebook page. 

From City Staff reports:

City Staff requested direction from City Council regarding the allocation of the funds at the June 28 Council meeting. The items included for the first round of funding have been reviewed for compliance with the criteria. 

The projects will use approximately $1,662,737, leaving a balance of $86,655. 

In addition to the proposed list, Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) is interested in pursuing a short-term loan of $150,000 as part of their funding of the Navigation Center project. 

As of this writing, staff does not have all the details, but it is recommended that this be added to the list of projects so it can be funded as funds are available. 

All projects will be reviewed against the criteria to ensure compliance before funds are awarded. Some projects and programs may not be ready for immediate funding, so funds will be held until criteria are met and projects are ready to move forward.  

Here is the list of projects:

  • Northern Wasco County Parks and Recreation/Sorosis Park $400,000 (pending budget) 

  • Traffic Safety Devices $ 40,000 

  • Replace lost TRT/fuel taxes (2019/20) $297,737 Downtown Economic Development $ 75,000 

  • Chamber of Commerce/Tourism $ 30,000 

  • Property Acquisition Fund $650,000 (homeless/affordable housing/small business incubator project) 

  • Police Department security/safety $100,000 

  • Next Door, Inc. Programs $ 70,000 (Outpatient Behavioral Health/Transitional Living) 

  • TOTAL for first year of funds: $1,662,737 

  • AMOUNT RECEIVED: $1,749,392 

  • Remaining if all above are fully funded: $ 86,655

  • MCCAC interest in a loan for Navigation Center Funding: $ 150,00

In other business, Councilors will consider assessing two properties for the cost of removing junk, garbage and vegetation.

Councilors will decide on whether to put liens on these two properties.

  • 1290W. Eighth Street - lien amount: $2,445

  • 809 East Seventh Street - lien amount: $1,245

Councilors will also vote on the following appointments to committees:

  • Michael Holloran and Larry Fairclo to the Traffic Safety Commission with terms expiring April 30, 2025; 

  • Appointment of Deward George Hext to the Wasco County/The Dalles Library Board with a term expiring June 30, 2025; 

  • and Traci Griffiths to the Museum Commission with a term expiring June 30, 2022

Here is the full agenda.


This Week in Gorge Entertainment- Sept. 13


For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee