Bridge of the Gods to stand 'stronger than Zeus himself' with $6 million allocation
“Adding a lane for foot and bike traffic will create a much safer experience not only for PCT travelers but for all the people who live and play in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,” said Mark Larabee, Advocacy Director for the Pacific Crest Trail Association.
Bridge of The Gods Preservation Funding Sought by Port of Cascade Locks
As the Bridge of the Gods reaches its 98th year in service connecting the Oregon community of Cascade Locks with Stevenson and North Bonneville in Washington, the Port of Cascade Locks is thinking about its future. Despite its age, the bridge is in good working order and not in need of a full replacement like the Hood River Bridge and the I-5 Interstate Bridge. However, as with any aging piece of infrastructure, the bridge would benefit from a few key upgrades to improve safety and resilience and extend its usable life.