New Wine Bistro offers confluence of intoxicating flavors and natural wonder in Lyle
The Bistro at Domaine Pouillon Winery takes in the stunning confluence of the Klickitat and Columbia rivers, bringing a beautiful flow of nature’s wonder with a stimulating selection of wines to enhance the experience. Don’t forget the sharp cheddar, grainy mustard and pickled green beans.
Unidentified Female Body Found in Klickitat River after kayaker swept away in June
Klickitat County Sheriff’s office has recovered the body of a female from the Klickitat River downstream from where a female kayaker was swept away on June 3. The agency awaits a positive identification.
Search called off for missing kayaker on Klickitat River
Man-made hazards, like the Low Head Dam, are especially dangerous to those who float or paddle the river, said Chip Hogan who lives nearby and runs the river. The dam runs perpendicular to the river and a two-person inflatable kayak was seen resting on top of the middle of the dam on June 9, nearly a week after the accident.