CGCC President resigned 10 days ago; public just now learning about it
Dr. Marta Yera Cronin, president of Columbia Gorge Community College announced her resignation effective June 30, 2023. CCCNews learned of the resignation earlier this week through rumors and requested an interview to discuss her departure and the current status of the college in regard to transition, enrollment and finances. No dice.
Thistlethwaite's resigns from D21; Board Member to focus on professional, family needs
The North Wasco County School District Board accepted board member Rebecca Thistlethwaite’s resignation at its regular meeting on Jan. 20. The District is asking now for a resident of the Mosier area to step up and fill her shoes.
D21 School Board Member to resign at Thursday's meeting; board to announce vacancy
North Wasco County School Board is set to accept a resignation from one of its board members at its regular meeting scheduled for Jan. 20. The board will also hear from student representatives from each school. Sophia Lewis, Rokiah Notbohm, Cesar Alvarez, Hannah Pewitt, Eleanor Young, Omar Mercado Chavarria and Cadence LeAnn Scott are set to speak.
Center for Living Director gives 30-day notice after turbulent year
The Director of the Mid-Columbia Center for Living behavior health clinic is stepping down from the position after less than two years that were marked by financial challenges, union organization and substantial loss of employees.