Urban Renewal Explores Incentives to Stimulate Middle Housing Construction in Hood River
The Hood River Urban Renewal District heard a staff presentation on a Middle Housing Incentive Concept proposal that would encourage developers to construct more “middle housing” in Hood River. Middle housing refers to medium-density housing options such as single family homes, cottage clusters and multi-family homes like duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes.
Notice of Vacancy: Hood River City Council
Notice is hereby given of a vacancy on the Hood River City Council, position of Councilor. The term for this vacancy expires on December 31, 2026.
Heights Streetscape Plan Update: Jurisdictional Transfer of HWY 281 to City of Hood River Underway
The Hood River Urban Renewal Agency (URA) has endorsed a letter of support to transfer the jurisdictional transfer of State Highway 281, from Oak Street to Pacific Avenue, in the Heights of Hood River to the City of Hood River. The jurisdictional transfer is a necessary step for the Agency to move forward with The Heights Streetscape Plan.
City of Hood River Launches First Ever Civics Academy
Do you want to learn more about local government and how to get involved? The City of Hood River will launch its first ever Civics Academy: Hood River 101. This course is designed to help remove barriers between the City and the public, so community members not only understand how our municipal government works, but also feel empowered to make a difference in our community.
72-Hour Parking Ordinance Sparks Debate at Hood River City Council Meeting
Hood River City Council held a public discussion on a 72-hour parking ordinance. The 72-hour rule would prohibit vehicles from parking within the public right of way for a period of more than 72 hours. The topic sparked a lively discussion, with many viewpoints and concerns voiced by the council.
City of Hood River Provides Outreach to Those Experiencing Homelessness
To help individuals overcome barriers to housing, the City of Hood River has contracted with a licensed clinical social worker to provide direct outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness.
Hood River City Council Seeks Input on 2021 Goals
To prepare for the City of Hood River’s annual work plan session early in 2021, City Council seeks community input and ideas on priority projects to help achieve City Council’s goals for the community. Community members are invited to contribute ideas via a print questionnaire or online form.