Cougar killings continue in Klickitat County. This time it’s a kitten
A recent call to the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office has resulted in the death of a Cougar kitten. Some locals are upset by latest “removal” but the sheriff’s office policy of hunting cougars with dogs remains intact.
Good day for journalism: The Dalles, Google abdicate in water fight with Oregonian
In the settlement, announced by The Oregonian on Dec. 14, The Dalles agreed to provide public access to 10 years of data on Google’s water use and to honor future records requests.
Helping orchardists with Integrated Pest Management
In the Columbia River Gorge, alternatives to chemical insecticides are being used in the battle against pests.
Decarbonizing the Gorge: How communities are adapting
In response to climate change, local governments in the Columbia River Gorge are passing resolutions to decrease carbon emissions. It’s a start.
Salmon are No Longer Kings of the Columbia; That has Biologists Worried
Even as ecological disruptions cause salmonoid populations to suffer in the Columbia River, Shad populations are on the rise.
Massive Expansion of Mt. Hood Recreation Areas Could Be Coming
Sick of crowded trails? A major plan to disperse human traffic around Mt. Hood and the Columbia River Gorge is in the works.
A conservation group just bought 35,000 acres of SDS timberland—now what?
Calling its acquisition “one of the largest conservation victories in the Pacific Northwest,” The Conservation Fund bets big on Basin conservation