Notice of Vacancy: Hood River City Council
Notice is hereby given of a vacancy on the Hood River City Council, position of Councilor. The term for this vacancy expires on December 31, 2026.
Hood River City Council Votes to Give Future Community Leaders a Raise
The Hood River City Council approved a resolution to increase compensation for future City Councilors and Mayors to foster a more inclusive and diverse community leadership. The resolution aims to reduce financial barriers to civic participation and make service on the City Council more accessible and attractive to a diverse range of candidates.
Hood River City Council Navigates the Future of Murals; Votes Not to Pass Ceasefire Resolution
Hood River City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on March 25th to discuss two hot button issues: a proposed original art mural ordinance and a ceasefire resolution concerning the conflict in Gaza.
Hood River City Council To Consider Ceasefire Resolution March 25
Hood River City Council heard a half hour of public comment both in support and against a ceasefire resolution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during their regular meeting on March 11, 2024.
Hood River City Council to Consider Gaza Ceasefire Resolution
The Hood River City Council agreed unanimously to place a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza on an upcoming agenda for consideration and public testimony. Hood River ministers Rev. Vicky Stifter and Rev. John Boonstra, representing an interfaith coalition, urged the council to endorse the resolution. "Peace must be built on trust and love for humanity without any conditions, where enemies will learn to live side by side," added Houssein Salman after the Feb. 12 City Council meeting. "We must stand for what is right for every country to live in peace without persecution, death, or destruction."
HR Parks and Rec Proposes Land Swap with City to Build New Aquatic Center
The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District is hoping to put a five-year levy on the ballot in May of 2024. The levy would pay to build a new aquatic center, develop Westside Park, and purchase Parkdale Park. But first, they need to secure land for a new aquatic center.
In Brief: Hood River City Council Dec. 11, Lions Club Spearheads $82,000 Playground Project
The Hood River City Council convened on Monday, Dec. 11. Councilors heard a presentation from the Hood River Lions Club on expanding playground facilities, as well as a presentation from Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) on new facilities projects to support the effort to end homelessness in the region.
Hood River City Council Holds Jam Packed Meeting: Talks Student Mural, Rand Road Affordable Housing; Uber and Lyft, DUI Increase
The Hood River City Council met on Sept. 25 to discuss a number of important issues facing the City including public art, an update on the Rand Road affordable housing development, Nature's Way Vista subdivision, and potentially updating City Policy to allow Uber and Lyft.
Hood River City Council Moves Forward with 1 Week, 2 Blocks Parking Ordinance
Hood River City Council continued their discussion on a 72-hr parking ordinance for the City of Hood River at their July 24th meeting. The discussion culminated in the decision to draft an ordinance that would require all vehicles parked within the public right of way to move at least two blocks, every seven days.
Hood River City Council Approves Westside Urban Renewal Project List Totaling $87 million
The Hood River City Council held a meeting on April 10, 2023, to discuss Juneteenth, a water ordinance, Ruthton Park trailhead, transit, economic development, and a project list totaling $87 million for the proposed Westside Urban Renewal District.
Hood River Announces Four Finalists for City Manager
The Hood River City Council has designated four finalists for the position of City Manager: Charlie Bush, Abigail Elder, Cory Misley, and Keith Stahley and announced an opportunity for the community to meet the finalists at a community reception the evening of Tuesday, September 7, 2021.