Mid-Columbia Center for Living Reduces Crisis Services Due to Staffing Shortage
Mid-Columbia Center for Living (MCCFL), which provides a state-certified Community Mental Health Program on behalf of Wasco, Hood River, and Sherman Counties has temporarily scaled back its crisis services due to the statewide staffing shortage.
Wasco County Commissioners Meeting Preview, Annual Audits, Lone Pine Subdivision Phase D, NCPHD Needs a New ADA Ramp,
The Wasco County Commissioners Meeting will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 9 a.m. on February 2nd, 2022 to discuss an emergency ramp replacement at NCPHD, phase D of the Lone Pine Subdivision, multiple audits, a transit grant for enhanced mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities and more.
Mid-Columbia Center for Living Settles Unfair Labor Practice Charges; Admits to violating the law, agrees to pay restitution
After multiple unfair labor practice violations, Mid-Columbia Center for Living (MCCFL) has reached an agreement with Oregon AFSCME and the workers at MCCFL who are in the midst of bargaining their first contract after their union was certified in July.