Native Plants from Mountaintop to Backyard: Sense of Place December 13th
Sense of Place, will feature Mountaintop to Backyard: The Beauty of the Gorge’s Native Plants on December, 13th, 2023. This event will be offered in person at the Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River, Oregon, and via livestream.
Mt. Hood National Forest Gears Up for Fall Slash Pile Burning
Mt. Hood National Forest fire personnel plan to begin burning piles of slash this fall season. If weather and moisture levels remain favorable, pile-burning operations could begin as early as October 16 and continue through the next several weeks as conditions allow.
Is the Columbia River Gorge a Supernatural Hotbed?
Have you had a supernatural experience in the Columbia River Gorge? Folks in the Gorge are being encouraged in radio ads and storefront signs,to file paranormal reports at Margie's Outdoor Store in Bingen, Washington.
“Supernatural occurrences have always been a part of life in the Gorge, but now they are on the rise, and for good reason,” said James Szubski, Owner of Margie’s Outdoor Store. “Tracking these events has become more important than ever, so Margie's has signed on to help gather information for our local Warden & Protector.”
Massive Expansion of Mt. Hood Recreation Areas Could Be Coming
Sick of crowded trails? A major plan to disperse human traffic around Mt. Hood and the Columbia River Gorge is in the works.
Sense of Place Lecture Dec. 8th, Debris Flows from Mount Adams and Mount Hood
Join Mt. Adams Institute for a Sense of Place lecture on, Debris Flows from Mount Adams and Mount Hood featuring Richard Iverson, on November 10th, 2021, at 7 p.m. (doors at 6:30 p.m.) at Columbia Center for the Arts in downtown Hood River*.