Local "Rally for Our Lives" Protesters Call For An End To Gun Violence
On Saturday, June 11th gun safety supporters gathered for a “Rally For Our Lives” in Hood River, in concert with the March For Our Lives in Washington, DC and marches and rallies across the country. Two participants also collected signatures for the Reduction of Gun Violence Act, a gun safety initiative that needs 140,000 signatures to be placed on the statewide November ballot.
Youth Activists Protest Government Inaction On Fighting Climate Change In Hood River, OR
On March 25th, 2022 protesters gathered in Hood River, OR, and cities across the world to denounce government inaction on fighting climate change. The protests were inspired by Fridays for Future, a youth lead environmentalist movement founded by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. The Hood River protest was led, in part, by several youth activists who said they wanted to do something “other than tweet and retweet” about climate change.