Health Survey to improve options for locals in Wasco, Hood River counties
Do you live in Hood River or Wasco County? Please take 10 minutes for our Community Health Assessment!
Enter to win a $100 Visa Gift card at the end of the survey. The survey is available in English and Spanish.
Closes July 15, 2024.
How do you find out what's going on in the Gorge? Share your thoughts, get free groceries
Oregon News Exploration is holding focus groups in upcoming weeks to get a better understanding how locals get their news. Read more about the group’s initial findings here and or sign up for a focus group and get $100 in groceries. Oh, that’s tasty.
TD City Council poised to spend $950 K on Dog River Pipeline materials
The Dalles City Council is poised to approve near $1 million on purchasing materials for the long-awaited Dog River Pipeline replacement project at their regular meeting set for 5:30 p.m. on Valentine’s Day, Monday, Feb. 14.