TD Kiwanis welcome Wasco DA Matthew Ellis, take field trip to Safe Space in May

By Karl Vercouteren

KIWANIS PROGRAMS:  Kiwanis meetings are held every Thursday at noon at Spooky’s and visitors are welcome.  This week’s events include:

— May 4 District Attorney Matt Ellis will discuss the new Mental Health Court.

— May 11 Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield presents the art rock project beside her gallery/studio.

— May 13 (Saturday) Kiwanians turn out for Community Clean-Up.

— May 14 (Sunday) Kiwanis Club serves Community Meal.

— May 18 Kiwanis field trip to Safe Space in Hood River.

— May 25 is Kiwanis business and social meeting.

For more information go to or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook. 

Karl Vercouteren

Karl Vercouteren came to The Dalles in 1977 to become pastor of United Church of Christ Congregational. Early on he joined Cascade Singers and the Original Courthouse board, reflecting life-long interests in music and history. Since retirement in 2008 he has taken on several projects writing about local history.