TD Rifle & Pistol Club offers firearm handling and safety classes in April; register now
Tim Sipe is one of the instructors at The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club, which encourages organized rifle and pistol shooting with a view toward safe handling and proper care of firearms. The next class begins on April 3.
The Dalles, Ore., March 25, 2025 — Tim Sipe and The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club are on a mission to properly educate locals on firearms and safety.
Tim stopped by on Tuesday, March 25, to let locals know about upcoming classes here in The Dalles.
Instructor Kevin McIntyre
The main objective of The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club is to encourage organized rifle and pistol shooting among citizens of the Columbia Gorge area with a view towards a better knowledge of safe handling and proper care of firearms.
The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club was founded in March of 1938 and incorporated in 1949. In 2020, The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Education and Training Foundation was formed, a 501c3 nonprofit.
The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club has had many locations for its indoor and outdoor range in The Dalles area. In 1986, The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club collaborated with The Dalles Senior Center to help put a basement in their facility. At the time, The Senior Center did not have funding for a basement, but with help from the Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club and Walt Erikson, The Senior Center was able to build the basement. The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club started leasing the basement from The Senior Center to use for their indoor pistol range.
Since 1964 the Club has offered Hunter Education classes. In 1983 the Club started NRA Basic pistol classes, and later added Basic Rifle shooting classes and Home Firearm Safety classes through the Columbia Gorge Community College and The Senior Center. The Club holds the Iron Sight shooting competition for community members on a yearly and a bi-yearly basis.
Upcoming classes offered through Columbia Gorge Community College:
Jim Wilcox
• Home Firearm Safety April 3 (free)
Basic Rifle Class 4/8, 4/10
Basic Pistol Class 4/15, 4/17, 4/22, 4/24 Through Club
Iron sight shoot 22lr, rifle and Pistol, at indoor range. Open to public. It will be Mid May. For more information contact Jim Wilcox @ 541-980-1129
To register for upcoming classes go to For more information, please call Tim Sipe @ 541-993-8777 or Kevin McIntyre @ 541-993-1081.
See for more information about the club and its upcoming classes.