Kiwanis Programs for December

Photo Curtesy: Salvation Army

Photo Curtesy: Salvation Army

The Dalles Kiwanis Club is holding virtual noon meetings on Thursdays during this stay-at-home time. Log on between 11:45 and 1 p.m. at Programs coming up:

— Dec. 3 Ramona Harwood, music teacher at Col. Wright Elementary School, will talk about happenings at the school and in her department. She has a surprise for those attending but needs to start at 11:30 a.m. to fit into her class schedule.

— Dec. 10 Julie Reynolds addresses “The Future of Aging in Wasco County."

— Dec. 17 Kiwanians ring bells for Salvation Army (no meeting).

— Dec. 24 Christmas Eve (no meeting).

— Dec. 31 is a social event for the sharing of good and not so good experiences in 2020.

For more information go to or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook.

Karl Vercouteren

Karl Vercouteren came to The Dalles in 1977 to become pastor of United Church of Christ Congregational. Early on he joined Cascade Singers and the Original Courthouse board, reflecting life-long interests in music and history. Since retirement in 2008 he has taken on several projects writing about local history.