Top of the Langley Ladder

The Dalles, Ore., March 14, 2025 — Chuck Langley took it to the top on Thursday, March 13, to paint a portion of the east side at Columbia River Windrider Inn at at 200 W. Forth Street in The Dalles.


No problem.


Never ending.

Crestline Construction crews continue to remove basalt rock and dirt along west Sixth Street in The Dalles on the former Jones Salvage sight as the Sixth Street Widening project is underway. The project, which will add another lane to section of road is espected to be mostly complete by October.

Prognosticators with the National Weather Service are calling for some dribbling rain in the next few days with a possbility of a quarter inch on Sunday. Highs will be in the low 50s. And it’s likely we'll be seeing rainbows on St. Patrick’s Day.