Trooper rams 19-year-old’s vehicle during I-84 chase; Blood-alcohol reported at “Coma Level”

By Tom Peterson

The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 8, 2025 — Interstate 84 drivers reported an erratic driver in a gray Ford Escape nearly hitting the concrete median on Interstate 84 while heading west of The Discovery Center in The Dalles at speeds of 80 mph on Thursday at 3 p.m.

 “One of the reporting parties had hazard lights going to warn traffic of the dangerous driving behavior. A Trooper located the vehicle and estimated the speeds at 90 mph before contact,” according to the Oregon State Police Log.

The Trooper observed the vehicle had a flat tire and was not able to stay in its lane.  

“Trooper activated emergency lights and sirens and the vehicle failed to yield for several miles. The vehicle appeared to be coming to a stop near milepost 62” at the west end of Hood River the report states. The suspect vehicle ran into the rear of a patrol vehicle and continued driving.”

A Trooper then used a “pit maneuver” where he struck the eluding Ford Escape at an angle to force it to spin out and stop abruptly. The vehicle came to rest after colliding with the center divider,” the log states. 

“The driver, Lucio Hernandez Roque, 19, no address listed, was immediately detained without further incident. The driver was extremely intoxicated. The driver was checked out by medics and refused further care. The driver was arrested for DUII, reckless driving, attempted to elude a police officer,” the report states. 

The driver refused to give a breath sample and a warrant was applied for and granted. The driver was transported to Providence in Hood River for a medical release and blood draw. His medical blood-alocohol content was .38% - .3 above the legal limit.

Click image to enlarge it. From the University of Toledo

 That’s a level where it is likely the person has blood-alcohol poisoning and can experience blackout . The vehicle was recovered by Guzman Brothers Towing.

The University of Toledo describes the alcohol level is that of surgical amnesia, onset of coma, possibility of acute alcohol poisoning, death due to respiratory arrest likely in 50% of drinkers.

Drunken driving kills some 13,000 people annually, according to It is only second to people failing to use seat belts.

Roque was not listed in roster sheets at NORCOR Jail in The Dalles this morning, Feb. 8.

Data on drunken driving deaths from