Whisky Creek Fire Daily Update Aug. 2, 2024

From U.S. Department of Algaculture:

Size: 934 acres Start Date: July 20, 2024

Cause: Human – Under Investigation Location: 6 miles SE of Cascade Locks, OR

Containment: 0% Fuels: Scrub oak, timber, and grass

Total Personnel: 339


Hood River, Ore. Aug. 2, 2024 — Hot and dry weather yesterday further dried out forest floor fuels and led to a slight increase in fire activity. A helicopter was used to drop water along the northern edge of the fire to mitigate any potential flare-ups along the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire area while crews continued work on containment lines to the south. Growth on the fire has been along the western slope of Wooly Horn Ridge and to the south. A community meeting will be held to provide a fire update on Friday, August 2, at 7 P.M. at the Odell Fire Department, 3431 Odell Hwy., Hood River, OR.


Indirect containment lines continue to be strengthened to the east, south, and west of the fire, using existing roads, trails, terrain features, and the Eagle Creek Fire burn area, with an emphasis on evacuation routes for firefighter safety and medical team access. Masticators and a skid steer continue to strengthen fire breaks along the southern wilderness boundary. Smoke is expected to be visible from Hood River and the communities along the Oregon Route 35 corridor. Fire managers are watching for opportunities to conduct tactical firing operations to remove potential fire fuels and limit fire spread.

Fire Behavior and Weather:

Hot, dry weather with good overnight humidity recoveries is expected to persist through the weekend, with a slight chance of thunderstorms Friday through Sunday. Fire activity and smoke production is anticipated to increase with these weather conditions.

Road and Trail Closures:

The closure information for the Mt. Hood National Forest and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area can be found at Whisky Creek Fire Closures in Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness. Hood River County has closure information, which can be found on its website.

Total Fire Resources Assigned:

• Approx. 339 personnel, 9 hand crews, 5 water tenders, 3 dozers, 5 masticators, 1 skid steer, and 1 helicopter.

Contact Information:

Email: 2024.whiskycreek@firenet.gov

Phone: 541-208-1743 8 A.M - 8 P.M

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