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Your Sign's 2021 February Horoscope

Your Sign's 2021 February Horoscope

Love -  Is the great work - Though every heart is first an - Apprentice

— -Hafiz, Sufi Poet

We kick off Black History Month and LOVE (some call this Valentine’s Day) month with intimacy loving Venus entering cerebral Aquarius (Ven 0 Aqu 00'). Those that are partnered will find connection and deepen their relationships this month through intimate discussion around social issues. We are all craving a psychic connection this month but also feeling a distinct need to not to get so lost in another person’s psychee, that we fail to be a part of our own experience. Whether you’re single and partnered you may find yourself feeling a little more independent this month. Make sure to make time for yourself and your needs so that you don’t feel smothered or neglected by any outside forces. Remember your first relationship is with yourself. Take advantage of a chance to develop a healthier understanding of your ego and your inner witness this month when Chiron in Aries (TNo 18 Gem 12' quintile Chi 6 Ari 12')  will have you relaxing strong emotions, finding peace and purpose around embracing your humanity. Try meditation or mindfulness-start small just a few minutes or breathing and noticing your body and your mind can have a big impact. 

The new moon in Aquarius will send us deep into our thoughts. Notice the part of you that is noticing your experience as you walk through your day. What part of you is experiencing the moment, what part is thinking, feeling? Practicing this will be especially important this month as a balm for any miscommunications and trouble we may encounter as a result of Mercury in retrograde. It might be a good idea to plan ahead if you’re doing something for V-Day, so that there are clear expectations. (On the 20th Mercury will go direct and we will find transitions and spontaneous actions seem to go smoother.) 

Saturn squares Uranus this month increasing tensions around what is no longer working in your life and in society at large, Radical Aquarius in Saturn, planet of purpose and accomplishments is pushing for social, cultural, and economic change and slow Taurus in Uranus is dragging their feet the whole way. This means that if something isn’t working in your love life, at work, or in your thought patterns it will be especially difficult to deal with this month. Instead of pushing it aside to deal with later, reshape your thinking, seek advice from others, explore alternate opinions and ways of thinking, how are others approaching this problem. Keep this in mind on the 19th when sparks will fly as Mars and Venus oppose. What results has the power to separate and sever ties or bring people closer together. We are not our habits or our traditions. We are experiencing our habits and traditions. We have the power to shape our experience. Saturn in Aquarius urges a light hand in discipline; seeks out ways to foster potential growth.

On the 18th we enter into Pisces season and delve deeper into vision for our futures and get in touch with what really matters to us as emotional and psychological beings. And on the 25th that flow of Pisces energy enters Venus, home of our relationships and the way we seek connection with the world and each other. Reconnect with your sense of romance. What makes you feel loved? What makes you fall in love? What feels ideal to you? It’s okay for what feels good and what doesn’t to change. You are not a static being. The full moon in Virgo will have us making good on our relationship goals and our expectations for ourselves. 

Themes of 2021:

Jupiter in Aquarius, a breath of fresh air, changes in thinking
Saturn in Aquarius, authority gets a lesson from the rebel child of the zodiac
Mars Stays Direct All Year Long, increasing confidence and personal drive
Uranus in Taurus, tense transitions abound, economic change
Saturn Square Uranus, conservative politics clash with modern views
Chiron in Aries, dares us to heal with haste

February’s Planetary Transits: 

Feb  1  Venus enters Aquarius        Ven 0 Aqu 00'
Feb  7  True Node quintile Chiron        TNo 18 Gem 12' quintile Chi 6 Ari 12'
Feb  9  Saturn sextile Chiron        Sat  6 Aqu 16' sextile Chi  6 Ari 16'
Feb 11 New Moon in Aquarius        23 Aquarius 17
Feb 17 Saturn square Uranus        Sat  7 Aqu 14' square
Feb 18 Sun enters Pisces        Sun 0 Pis 00'
Feb 20  Mercury Direct        Mer 11 Aqu 01'D
Feb 21  Ceres enters Aries        Cer 0 Ari 00'
Feb 25  Venus enters Pisces        Ven 0 Pis 00'
Feb 27  Full Moon in Virgo        8 Vir 57'

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Happy Birthday Pisces!

This year: you’ll continue learning how to navigate the world without compromising your compassion or kindness. Your inner strength is shining through. Let go of old behaviors and attitudes that keep you from growing. 

This month: The Sun and Venus travel through your sign this month, shedding some light on how you identify inside and outside of your relationships. Your confidence is growing this month. Lean into what makes you unique. Speak up if you have something you’d like to say. Exercise compassionate honesty. Keep working towards the things that inspire you. Show love to yourself and others. You may spend a lot of time feeling your way through your thoughts this month. You are an empathetic person, so be aware that a lot of pain can be transferred to you by your online/media habits. Set self-imposed boundaries around social media. Are you watching the news first thing when you wake up and spending the rest of the day fearful or upset? Are you escaping into a hobby or study? What are you trying to escape? How can you practice being less vague and more specific? Identify what’s holding you back from enjoying the moment. Experience an orgasm under the full moon.

Mercury RX Advice: Try hard to text or call your friends back, especially if you’ve fallen into a habit of ignoring those connections. You’re allowed to prioritize important relationships. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This year: Mars will be direct all year, leveling out your energy levels. Chiron sits in your sign all year, daring you to heal. Envisioning. New rites of passage.

This month: This month you’re feeling pulled to sensible logical solutions. Navigate difficulty by engaging your inner witness, pay attention to what is happening in the moment-inside your mind and in the outside world. This is a good time to start or deepen a meditation practice. Are you jumping to conclusions because of former trauma? What brings up rebellious emotions in you? Ceres, named for the goddess of agriculture and harvest enters your sign on the 25th. Ceres represents what we need to feel loved and nurtured. Bring your attention to your relationships this month. Are you missing someone? Are you feeling connected to your body? What makes you feel good? How has your growing up experience impacted your relationships? Can you choose to parent the parts of you that are still young and need nurturing? Can you learn to be a role model for yourself? What routines help you feel accomplished? Rest and recharge. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This year: you’re learning to be more comfortable with change. Lean into love, and acceptance. Embrace your awakened self.

This month: Your ruling planet Venus travels through Aquarius and into Pisces this month. You might find yourself getting stuck in your head when it comes to your love life early on in the month. Break free by spending time with the one you love and really connecting over something that matters to you both. Pay attention to your dreams. Cultivate resilience in your relationships through expressing appreciation. You’re a romantic at heart, what makes you feel appreciated? Set clear expectations in your relationships but remember to be flexible when it comes to the details, focus on enjoyment, and acknowledge the things that produce annoyance or anger in you with compassion instead of blunt words or dismissive attitudes. Don’t get too caught up in the social media ‘heart’ and ‘like’ culture. You’re expanding your sense of self to be both individual and as a part of a collective. The self is not static. It is ever flowing. Doing something new can bring up feelings of adventure and happiness. Express yourself. Share your perspective with others. Embrace your artistic voice. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This year: you’re feeling focused on the big picture and feeling prone to strokes of genius. You're feeling more in tune with yourself than ever. Your mind is expanding to embrace new ideas. 

This month: Your ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde until the 20th. Jupiter enters True Node in Gemini this month, enriching your sense of purpose and causing you to contemplate fate’s design. Some hard decisions and existential debates may come up for you this month. Put in some self care sunday’s this month. Now is a good time to learn to parent the young parts of yourself that need your comfort. Your strength lies in your humanity. Practice self awareness. How are you talking to yourself? Is that little voice your friend or foe? How does that come out in your communications with others? When it comes to love ask yourself: What do you need right now from your partnerships?If the going gets tough choose to approach the situation with creativity. When indecision strikes, break it down into small chunks. Solve one problem, then the next, until you find a direction to walk in. Rebel against negativity, build constructive narratives.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This year: Building a relationship with the big picture, with gravity, with your place in the world. Things are shifting for you that you thought never would. You have an opportunity to release your karma. Reclaim your authority over your body and mind, free yourself from old narratives about your identity.

This month: Your ruling celestial body, the moon transits through rebellious Aquarius and brings some into self-sacrificing Virgo this month. Ask yourself how you can release your karma this month, what good things are coming back to you? What difficult conversations and experiences are returning to haunt you? Face your past head on. What parts of yourself align with your most loving and awakened self? Practice mindfulness and check in with your body. Financial issues may arise this month, which may cause you to rethink your spending habits. If you are carrying something heavy around, put it down for a while, see how it feels, you will feel lighter by the end of the month. You’re feeling drawn to some unusual energies in other people this month. Explore what feels good, be spontaneous in love and romance. Words start to come easy towards the end of the month. You may find the words you’ve been waiting on. Write something reflective about your experience.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

This year: keep moving forward, rethink what success looks like for you on a grand scale. Learn what is inhibiting your self-growth, persevere. Celebrate love. Career success. 

This month: You’re celebrating your half-birthday this month, so why not actually celebrate it? Have a self-care day and focus on having a heart healing day. Identify ways to treat yourself with kindness. Give yourself a gift. This month might feel a bit lonelier for you than usual. Seek real human connection. Quality over quantity. Identify patterns of seeking instant gratification in your relationships and outside of them. Are you prone to a brief romantic fling or infatuation when what you’re actually seeking is a heart connection? What experiences leave you feeling fulfilled? Passion is not always a sudden gift, bursting forth the moment we try something new. Passions can be cultivated, cared for, negotiated over. Towards the middle of the month you may find yourself setting boundaries that better respect your needs as an emotional being. During the full moon in Virgo, you’ll be feeling extra motivated at work. Save money for something you’re looking forward to.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

This year: being extra tender with yourself and your partnerships as you continue your focus on building good health, consistent work, routines, healthy habits, deepening understanding, and widening your perspective. 

This month: Your ruling sign, Mercury, planet of communication is retrograde until the 20th of this month. Check in with yourself. Show empathy but set boundaries around how much you are capable of taking on. Be clear and compassionate when explaining your expectations inside and outside of your relationships. Don’t get too preoccupied with giving advice to those who aren’t ready to listen. Practice what you preach. Offer yourself this wisdom: Your aspiration to heal and your aspiration to succeed are directly linked. One day this month you’ll experience speed and ease in healing an old trauma or thought pattern. In what ways are you feeding your body and mind this month? What is it you’re learning right now? How are you widening your perspective? Applying self discipline to your aspirations will take you far. The full moon in your sign at the end of the month invites a creative energy into your love life. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This year: Committed relationships. Creativity and finding new ways to express yourself. Changes in thinking, investing in technology and creativity. Struggles with friends and family. 

This month: the Aquarian energy of this year continues to deeply influence your sign this month. You are the sign that loves to relate and collaborate. You are rebelling against old ways of ‘everyone for themselves’ type thinking. You are pushing for social equality. Anxieties are lifted from you this month. Family relations are smooth. You are feeling safe and secure in your committed relationships but maybe a little bored by routines. Show appreciation for what brings stability into your life without sacrificing excitement.Thoughts and feelings of love dominate for you this month. If you are single, you are learning the ways in which you find connection. Manifest intimacy in an intentional way. There may be challenges on the work front this month. Practice self awareness. Your health reflects your habits this month. Keep up the pace at work, feel more accomplished, and happier by keeping up with your health. Treat your body as a good friend, with love and respect. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

This year: The theme of your life this year is to cultivate new ways of thinking and learn how to communicate your desires to others in a way that is creative as opposed to destructive. Growing your self-expression and creative abilities. Desire for privacy. Step back from toxic relationships. Put your energy into projects that stimulate you mentally. 

This month: Tap into your sense of flow. Your two ruling planets Mars and Pluto trine this month creating a deep sense of harmony around what drives you and what needs to transform for you in this moment. Be on the lookout for new career opportunities. Tap into your sense of flow. Remember your worth is never on the line. You get to wake up everyday with nothing to prove. You are creating an experience for yourself, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone before you give yourself permission to enjoy your life. If you’ve been feeling that creative urge dive deeper into it. Let go of perfectionism. What inspires you? What are you bringing into the world? Your relationships need some adjustments this month. Are you communicating your needs in the moment? How does what you’re holding back make you feel? How can you release difficult emotions in a regulated and compassionate way?

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

This year: this is a year of personal evolution for you. You are finding purpose. Focus not on where you’ve been, but on where you want to go. New opportunities. Local impact. Get excited about creating healthy routines. Innovate.

This month: Plan something memorable for the people you love this month. Give selflessly. If you're single you may find a romantic interest this month. You’re feeling optimistic and compassionate this month. Your ruling planet Jupiter trines True Node this month, sending you a sign, helping you make big shifts in thinking, and making now a good time for planning your future. Your rebel with a cause charm is shining this month. You might be feeling a little flirty. Be open to new experiences. Follow up on your advances, text your partner back, and keep the real ones close to you. For you, honesty is the key to intimacy. Misinformation and miscommunication are sometimes but not always the same thing. Learn to tell between the two. Ask: What is bringing harmony into your life? What is creating division? What are you doing to take on a leadership role in your own life? What direction are you walking?

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

 Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

This year: a time of personal development, education and mental stimulation.

This month: Be adventurous and enjoy your life. The month starts out peacefully and progresses slowly. Your ruling planet Saturn is in Aquarius all year bringing about big changes in your thinking, making you feel a little more rebellious, and extra logical. Saturn squares Venus this month creating some tensions for you in the love department. You’re feeling more focused on yourself and your career right now but that’s okay. If you’re single, treat yourself to something special this month to remind yourself how to appreciate and celebrate your own accomplishments. If you’re partnered, be on the lookout for potential miscommunications in the beginning of the month and resolve any pain by getting in touch with sensual pleasures during the full moon. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This year: you’re coming into your power, exploring your needs and pursuing your dreams. New possibilities and ways of moving through the world. Pushing for change. Taking ‘me’ time. Reinvention.

This month: Venus starts off the month in your sign bringing up questions about what makes you feel loved and how old patterns of love have helped shape you. Show your heart. Focus on the R words during Mercury Rx: reflect, regroup, revise, reinvent, and reset. Keep a close eye on your career goals as you may have lost some momentum during this time. The new moon in your sign this month allows all of us to take a deeper look into what actions we can collectively work towards build a better society. This month seek connection in your relationships through discussions of social issues and solutions. Avoid unnecessary drama, you are responsible for your emotions. Jupiter and Saturn are working together to keep things light in your relationships this month. Some chronic mental or physical health issue you may flare up this month. Show compassion to your body. Pluto is bringing about personal changes in your life this month. You are changing quickly during this time. You may even be an entirely new person by the 17th of the month. What are you reinventing this month Aquarius?

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